Master Monk Mode With Modafinil

Magnify Monk Mode With The Power of Modafinil
“Don’t lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations.”
Ralph Marston

1.) Introduction
2.) The Risks of Modafinil
3.) How To Start Using Modafinil Safely
4.) The Benefits of Modafinil
5.) In Closing / Relevant Reading

1.) Introduction:

So you’re in Monk Mode, but you find yourself regularly lacking the energy and focus you need to complete all the tasks you assign yourself. You find it hard to concentrate when reading books, and your workouts suck because you get tired quickly. What do you do about it? Other than getting your testosterone, estrogen and thyroid checked, you start taking modafinil.

Some of the most influential people throughout mankind’s history have done drugs. Freud developed his psychoanalytic theory under the influence of pharmaceutical grade cocaine, Winston Churchill took nitrous oxide and Francis Crick, was supposedly (it’s disputed) high on LSD when he discovered DNA. Like it or not and irrespective of stigma, sourced well and dosed correctly chemical compounds can help an individual think in new ways and perform at an elite level.

Now whilst I shan’t ever be advocating the consumption of outlawed narcotics here at Illimitable Men, there are a class of substances known as nootropics that can greatly enhance a whole range of things. Effects vary from the enhancement of creativity and memory, to the alleviation of depression and fatigue.

In fact, you probably unknowingly take at least one nootropic everyday: caffeine. Caffeine is the world’s most famous nootropic, relied upon and consumed by millions day in, day out. Many people will shamelessly admit to a caffeine addiction because it’s socially acceptable and carries no stigma, but at its essence caffeine addiction is a biological addiction.

The main problem with caffeine is that tolerance is developed quickly. It’s a diuretic (you keep needing to go to the toilet, which interrupts your productive phases) and positive effects only last for a few hours (at most) before another dose is needed, and so when caffeine wears off, the individual experiences a horrible crash. Take it for too long and you become dependent, caffeine is habit-forming.

Modafinil is one of the strongest nootropics on the market, in truth I’d say its potency puts it somewhere between a drug and a nootropic, as it’s too weak to be a drug but too strong to be a nootropic. Luckily for you, the powers that be disagree with my assessment and classify modafinil as a nootropic off-label and a prescription medicine on-label. As such getting hold of the stuff is simple, and to my knowledge there is no penalty for possessing it (but this may vary by jurisdiction, so do research on the laws in your country before ordering anything.)

In the US under the controlled substances act, modafinil is categorised as a schedule IV drug, meaning to legally purchase the compound you need a prescription for narcolepsy or shift work sleep disorder, however in some instances it is given for sleep apnea. Most people cannot get a prescription from their doctor for modafinil, or even if they can, find it is cheaper to buy it online than with medical insurance. I’ll tell you exactly where you can source it from a reputable supplier further in.

2.) The Risks of Modafinil:

When one first takes modafinil they must exercise extreme caution, because before you start taking it you don’t know how high or low your body’s natural tolerance is.

According to my research, there are effectively three types of responders: non-responders, standard responders and sensitive responders. Most of the advice on “getting started with modafinil” out there is aimed at standard responders, and so if you’re a sensitive responder and take the conventional advice on dosing, you’re going to have a horrible, frightening experience with it. Nobody else will tell you this, you’ve heard it here first.

The reason you won’t hear this anywhere else is because either A: the blogger/vlogger discussing their experience with modafinil is a standard responder and so didn’t need to be cautious or B: the site you’re on actually sells modafinil and doesn’t want to persuade you out of a purchase, so they’ll omit if not play down the compound’s potential risks.

I’m not a standard responder (I’m a sensitive responder) and I don’t sell modafinil, so I can speak from a prudentialist perspective and guide you on how to use modafinil off-label in the safest way possible.

When you’ve never taken a substance before and want to try it for the first time, it is in your interest to assume you are a sensitive responder. If you’re not, you can scale up your dosage to obtain the desired effects. If you are, you save yourself from experiencing a long list of adverse side effects. So if you’ve never taken modafinil before, but want to try it, assume you’re a sensitive responder.

If you assume you are a standard responder and you’re not, you can experience any combination of the following side effects:

– Loss of consciousness
– Dizziness (a focus so strong it feels too intense to look at things or make sudden movements)
– Cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
– Heart palpitations (stronger heartbeat)
– Complete loss of appetite (you try to eat, take two mouthfuls and feel as if you’re full)
– Migraines
– Increased anxiety/paranoia
– A tight throbbing sensation in the throat

I have experienced all of the above side effects (yes, I even blacked out), and yet I still recommend this substance. Why? Because it obliterates fatigue, increases concentration and improves your motivation and sense of well-being. That is of course assuming, you take it correctly.

All the adverse effects I experienced were due to being a sensitive responder who didn’t know how to take it correctly, I didn’t know how to take it correctly because there was a lack of pre-existing information on how sensitive responders should dose. I had to single-handedly figure out how to take modafinil safely as a sensitive responder, and having suffered as a guinea pig on your behalf, you can avoid the negative effects by learning from my mistakes.

The first time I ordered modafinil I was told to take 100mg of modalert (that’s half a tablet) on an empty stomach. This will do absolutely nothing if you’re a non-responder, and the effects will kick in very quickly (within a minute) if you’re a standard responder.

However this is what nobody else will tell you: if you’re a sensitive responder, you will black out and then feel extremely dizzy for anywhere up to 2 hours, because 100mg on an empty stomach constitutes an overdose due to your naturally low tolerance level. The first time I took modafinil was the one time I blacked out on it. I blacked out because the instructions provided were bogus, they were bogus because they assumed a base level tolerance that was too high. As I said earlier, for the sake of one’s safety it should be assumed you are a sensitive responder until proven otherwise.

3.) How To Start Using Modafinil Safely:

The first time you take modafinil should not be on an empty stomach, because taking it on an empty stomach leads to vastly increased potency of the compound and can completely overwhelm you with dizziness.

As for dose, do not take any more than 50mg. Assuming you possess the modalert 200 variant, the pill is 200mg and thus a quarter of a pill is 50mg. Use a sharp knife or pill cutter to cut the pill in half (pill cutters are better as they are more precise), then cut it in half again. If you are sensitive, this will stop you from blacking out because less pill equals lower dosage. 200mg (an entire pill) is far too high a dose for sensitive responders.

You should eat at least 3 large eggs or 5 regular eggs before taking modafinil, the choline will prevent you from getting migraines, and if you combine this with ample hydration, you won’t experience any headaches.

To minimise the risk of heart palpitations or cardiac issues, you should supplement with 200mg of L-Theanine. If you still experience cardiac issues after taking modafinil, try upping your L-Theanine supplementation to 400mg. If you have no luck there, try upping to 600mg. If you continue to have problems, do not increase your L-Theanine supplementation any further. Modafinil is no good for you and you should avoid it, it is not worth hurting your heart to enjoy a nootropic.

Modafinil requires timing if you do not want to upset your sleeping pattern. The substance has a half-life of 16 hours, but sleep should be attainable 9-12 hours after ingestion. Assuming you sleep 8 hours a day, you should take it within the first 4 hours of being awake. If you woke up at 11am and took it at 3pm, you’d be able to go to sleep by 3am. If you woke up at 5am and took it at 8am, you’d be able to sleep by 8pm. Time your dose correctly to avoid a sleepless night.

You hear a lot of nonsense about people suffering from modafinil-induced insomnia, but this is because they have stupidly popped an entire pill at a party late in the evening, mixed it with alcohol, and now idiotically wonder whilst they’re shivering in a stranger’s bed blacking out over and over again at 8am the next day.

The simple fact of the matter is if you take modafinil like an idiotic infant at a college party, it will harm you. If you take it sensibly, it will enhance you.

You should not drink tea, coffee or alcohol when taking modafinil unless the dose you’ve taken is too weak and you wish to increase its potency without taking additional modafinil. Caffeine interacts with modafinil, significantly increasing the chances you experience heart palpitations and anxiety. Despite its L-Theanine content, even green tea can cause these problems due to its caffeine content. This is why when on modafinil, I recommend supplementing with L-Theanine rather than drinking green tea; this way you get the L-Theanine you need to balance yourself without bringing caffeine into the mix.

Personally I haven’t noticed any tolerance build-up, and like initial sensitivity, whether one builds a tolerance will vary from individual to individual. Nonetheless, if you’re a sensitive responder taking a quarter of a pill a day, 40 pills will last you just over 5 months. Of course if you do build tolerance, you will get through more quicker. Those who build tolerance have reported being able to keep tolerance down by cycling modafinil 5 days on and 2 days off, so if you do build tolerance, this is worth trying.

As a final note, you should plan your day out before taking modafinil, and then immediately set to enacting your plan once you’ve taken it. If you do not, you may find yourself wasting your enhanced energy and focus on nonsense. Whilst modafinil most certainly does give you focus, it does not give you discipline. If you choose to read clickbait or have conversations on social media, this is precisely what you’ll waste hours upon hours doing. Be mindful, and use this time of enhanced faculty to do the things that really matter.

In summary:

– Take no more than 50mg – this is a low dose that will prevent dizziness/fainting
– Take modafinil shortly AFTER food, not before or with – this will reduce its potency
– Drink lots of water to prevents headaches
– Eat at least 3 large eggs or 5 regular ones before taking modafinil – this prevents migraines
– Supplement with 200mg of L-Theanine – this prevents heart palpitations and anxiety
– Do not drink any tea or coffee, as caffeine will interact with the modafinil and potentiate it
– Do not drink alcohol with modafinil, it can lead to blackouts and memory loss

Please bear in mind these are guidelines to begin taking modafinil safely, they are not hard rules for continued consumption. For instance, people with higher tolerances find they do not get the most out of their modafinil unless they combine it with coffee. Until you are more intimately familiar with your tolerance level, these guidelines are a good starting place.

4.) The Benefits of Modafinil:

On modafinil, you will stop being lazy and become motivated, things that normally feel like a chore won’t feel like one. If you are constantly tired, you will stop feeling tired. If you have problems concentrating, concentrating will become easy. Modafinil allows you to unlock your full potential and properly seize the day, there is nothing else quite like it to reliably boost productivity.

Many people’s general fatigue stems from low dopamine, and modafinil fixes this by prohibiting dopamine transportation, allowing greater dopamine to accrue in the brain.

Many people report elevated mood when taking modafinil, which is probably an effect of increased dopamine resulting in the alleviation of sub-clinical depression. That is to say, the person in question unknowingly suffers from sub-clinical depression due to low dopamine, and the dopamine increase caused by modafinil has alleviated this, resulting in a greater sense of well-being.

– Increased aggressiveness:

Conventional sites classify this as an adverse side effect and I can see situations in which it could prove unhelpful, but considering the vast majority of men are meek and unassertive nowadays, I think it’s more of a benefit than a detriment. Men looking to reclaim their masculinity will probably agree with me on this.

Modafinil will make you bolder and more short with people. When I’m on modafinil, I’m less conflict avoidant. It’s not so bad it sends you into a neurotic rage, but it certainly lowers your tolerance for nonsense. Let’s put it another way: if you are the kind of person who is normally too scared to ask for things, you won’t feel that way when you’re on modafinil.

– Reduced appetite/weight loss:

On low doses of modafinil there is a greater disinterest in eating, you may eat if you desire it, but you won’t actually feel hungry. If you want to reduce calorie consumption in order to lose body fat, or you wish to keep to a certain feeding window because you’re fasting, this aspect is incredibly useful. Many people report weight loss after consuming modafinil for some time.

– Addiction suppression:

People seek dopamine from unhealthy consumption, such as eating junk food, smoking or doing drugs. As modafinil boosts dopamine, unhealthy addictions will fall to the wayside. There are reports of smokers giving up cigarettes, and even preliminary research looking at whether modafinil can be used to cure cocaine addiction.

Modafinil bonds to the same receptor sites in the brain as cocaine by increasing dopamine, except unlike cocaine the effects last significantly longer and it does not make the user feel high. You could probably use modafinil to beat a cocaine addiction, although as someone who’s never been addicted to cocaine, I’m unable to test this hypothesis for myself.

– Enhanced cognition:

Greater focus and clearer thoughts, improved short-term memory recall and superior concentration. It may increase or decrease your creativity, but this factor seems to vary from individual to individual. According to the twitter poll I conducted on self-reported modafinil users, it is more likely to increase rather than decrease creativity, but will most likely have no bearing on it.

– Fatigue alleviation:

Modafinil does not come on suddenly and intensely unless you take a dose your body can’t handle. It is not like other stimulants such as caffeine or cocaine where you will feel immediately wired, quickly reach a peak and then crash. Modafinil does not wire you, but rather it will imbue you with an increased sense of effortless concentration. Any sense of fatigue that was bogging you down will immediately clear up, and you will feel more energetic.

5.) In Closing / Relevant Reading:

What kind of people take modafinil? Winners take modafinil, be they students at ivy league colleges, high-powered lawyers or top finance execs. Winners take modafinil because they’re ambitious, driven, and want to perform at their best. There are few other substances out there that can give you a kick in the ass the way modafinil does, and as long as you use it intelligently you can get an edge without paying in pain.

As for sourcing Modafinil, there are many different vendors of modafinil on the internet, some sell fake products, others sell generics rather than the branded stuff. I got my modafinil from Modafinil Cat. Modafinil Cat has a great tracking service and the modafinil they sell is 100% legit pharmaceutical grade straight from the manufacturers in India, if you want good stuff they’re your guys.

PLEASE NOTE: I am not a medical professional and thus the information contained herein does not constitute medical advice and should not be construed as such. This information is purely for educational purposes.

You can buy L-Theanine here, and Modafinil here.

Other articles you may be interested in:

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You can support IM's work by purchasing his audiobook or subscribing on Patreon

64 thoughts on “Master Monk Mode With Modafinil

  1. “Take it for too long and you become dependent, caffeine is habit-forming.”

    Do you not become dependent on modafinil if you take it daily (responsibly)?

  2. I currently make use of the caffeine + theanine nootropic combo, but lately I’ve been feeling the need to distance myself from caffeine. I’ve also been wanting to get my hands on modafinil, but wasn’t sure how or where to get it despite some research. Your blog has been and continues to be a most valuable resource. For that you have my sincere gratitude.

  3. While I really enjoyed most of your writing this far, this article was rather disappointing.
    imho most guys do not need performance enhancers but more self-discipline and a stoic attitude towards delayed gratification — using Modafinil seems more like a crutch to me; nevertheless I understand that there might be a certain usefulness for long concentrated intervals.

    I did hope that you would publish another article about Monk Mode;
    what I find difficult to endure is the isolation part; while I am not bored with doing the work I like, sometimes there is a painful feeling of loneliness. Any advice on this would be much appreciated. I cut myself off deliberately from all the instant-gratification activities; this just leaves an empty space. Seeing people in every day life who are doing social things that seem enjoyable (but get them nowhere) with each other does not really help.


    1. Can’t please everyone, so I don’t try to.

      As for loneliness, sounds like you need to allocate some time to get out there and socialise.

      Monk Mode is most easily done by introverts, because they need far less social time to feel sane than most. If you’re extroverted you may want to do a 4/3 day or 5/2 day split, so 4 days of work followed by 3 days of socialising, or 5 days of work followed by 2 days of socialising. Find what works for you.

      If you are obsessed enough you can work through the loneliness, but if it’s making you miserable and lowering your productivity, then you may want to ease up on the isolation element. Just be mindful to strike a balance so that you don’t oscillate from work-a-holic mode to party mode, but strike a balance between the two.

      1. I have noticed that I do tend to oscillate exactly as you described. I will force myself to avoid distractions for weeks at a time and then when that one fun weekend happens I tend to try to have as much fun as possible which can get reckless. I was just wondering specifically why you believe that a balance between the two is important?

  4. Thank you for the article, IM.
    Have you personally taken Piracetam? If so, how would you compare these two compounds?
    You could probably use modafinil to beat a cocaine addiction, although as someone whose never been addicted to cocaine, I’m unable to test this hypothesis for myself. (who’s, last sentence of the Addiction suppression paragraph)

    1. Piracetam – nope, can’t say I have. I haven’t tried many nootropics. I heard modafinil was the cream of the crop from multiple people, so I went straight to experimenting with that.

      Thanks for pointing out the typo, fixed it!

  5. Thanks for this post IM, I recently saw an article about this on Harvard Business Review. Just a question, what are your thoughts on the other products listed on

    It appears these are newer or improved upon version of this substance (ex. Waklert/Artvigil)

    1. Just a question, what are your thoughts on the other products listed on
      It appears these are newer or improved upon version of this substance (ex. Waklert/Artvigil)

      I can’t really comment on what I haven’t tried, secondhand knowledge: wakalert is supposed to be really strong, and some people who feel nothing on modalert find wakalert does the trick.

  6. Interesting, i’ve used a lot of cocaine and don’t know if i can take other stimulants, i stopped a few months ago. I have no problem with motivation, but i get bored easily with routine activities, which i need to organize myself better, and there are times when fatigue knocks, it can be a good increase.

  7. Great article. I took Modafinil my first year of law school and loved it. I’ve had trouble finding a solid source since then. Thanks for the heads up on Modafinil Cat. Just placed my order.

    1. It shan’t disappoint. They offer a range of different kinds of modafinil (wakalert, modvigil etc) but this article only describes modalert 200, as that’s what I’ve tested. I hear wakalert 150 is apparently even stronger, which whilst a nightmare for a sensitive responder like myself, I suspect would be helpful for those with high tolerance.

      1. considering that its a schedule iv drug in america (illegal eithout prrscription) and it must come througj customs as well, does package it inconspicuously ?

  8. I remember when Prozac came out and everybody “in the know” was getting on it. A couple of decades later and we discover the dangers inherent in long term use of these SSRI’s. I could see taking it once a week on my (“lets get her done day of the week”) but not sure I would feel comfortable taking it everyday for years on in (which you know is what will happen). It might have long term negative consequences. It’s good information though, Illimitable. It’s funny, last night I was streaming You Tube on my big screen and when my video ended the full movie called Limitless with Bradley Cooper just happen to come on and I watched it. I work night shift and this would be a great tool to use to turn my clock around on my days off – I will have to look into it!

  9. Just got a prescription for “Nuvigil” which is the supposedly stronger armodafinil. (I have shift related sleep disorder, it sucks).

    Your article is timely and helpful. I had a massive migraine the first dose and haven’t tried one since. I believe I’ll give it another shot.

  10. Hey, first time commenting here. You’re based in the UK right? At least your twitter gives the impression you are anyway. What’s the legality around it in the UK do you know? A quick google search doesn’t bring up anything so I’m guessing the law isn’t clear.

    I’m keen to try it though. Also appreciate the sensitivity warning – I used to be sensitive to caffeine and I’m sensitive to alcohol as well (2 pints of Fosters and I’m fairly drunk). I use for most of my research and I’ve been curious about Modafinil for a while now.

    Much love.

    @trosso on twitter.

    1. It’s a prescription-only medicine (POM) in the UK and you need to import it to use it off-label, but literally 2 days after posting this article (I’m not kidding) the UK passed a law that made it an offence to import psychoactive substances. Psychoactive has a very broad definition meaning “any substance that acts on the central nervous system to alter brain function”.

      So effectively the UK govt formed a white list of allowed substances and it’s very short, containing things like caffeine, and has made it an offence to “knowingly import” anything not on this allowed list. Seeing as the nature of the new law is broad and unclear, and modafinil is actually prescribed by doctors here (so wouldn’t make sense for it to be a banned substance) you may be able to import it.

      Furthermore, we’re unsure of the enforceability of the law. Are customs really going to seize any package containing a chemical compound that isn’t on the very short allowed list? Sounds overly invasive and an incredible waste of resources to criminalise the importation of prescription medicine and relatively harmless supplements that aren’t listed on their white list. I will try importing some and seeing what happens, as it’s unclear to me whether importing a prescription medicine off-label in light of this new law constitutes an offence.

      1. Thanks for the reply man, I was curious how the new law affects us – especially in regards to Modafinil. I’ve heard all sorts of crazy questions and jokes around this law.

        Interested to see how you get on importing it and what sort of punishment you could/will get if you get caught. It all seems very vague at the moment to be honest.

        1. If you gentlemen have any issues or don’t like the hassle of importing, go to the Doc and get yourselves a prescription.
          I’m in the US, and it was easy.
          They run ads on the radio here saying “if you think you may suffer from shift work sleep disorder, ask your doctor if Nuvigil may be right for you”.

          They symptoms are easily researched and they will take your word for it.
          I actually do shift-work so when I said “I fall asleep at red lights” I wasn’t lying.

          Being this isn’t a recreationally abused type of drug (such as Adderall) and there isn’t a “high” associated with it, the doctor won’t be as suspicious that you’re a tweaker when asking about it.

          It’s best to seem naive on the subject. You “heard the commercial” or someone at work “said it helped them work more safely at night”. You want the doctor to believe it was their idea to prescribe it.

          I received my first 15 tablets for free, due to a promotion from the manufacturer, lolz. The “Nuvigil” variation is the newest molecule, promoted more heavily because the patent is expired on regular “provigil” and is very expensive if you do not have insurance.

          Best of luck.

  11. A friend of mine talk me about modafinil some years ago. I thought it only worked for improving your concentration and diminishing fatigue. That’s a good reason to give it a try because I have problems with concentration and focusing in doing a task during long period of times.

    But I even more interested in the effects that may have in a very shy and introverted guy as me.

    1. I would also like to know if it, or a knock-off that works, is obtainable legally and without much effort in the USA. Thanks in advance! So much great insight in your posts.

  12. Does modafinil work on the same receptors as caffeine? Would I be able to take modafinil on the weekdays and caffeine on the weekends without becoming burnt out or getting other negative side affects?

    1. Caffeine has a half-life of 6 hours, so leaves your body within 30~. Modafinil has a half-life of 16 hours, so leaves your body within 80~. If you took modafinil 8am on Friday, I wouldn’t recommend it until 12pm Saturday. Side effects would be minimal to non-existent timed like that as only 50% would remain in your body.

      1. Hmm .. then that doesnt seem like half life, does it? Because with a HL of 6 hrs, after 12 hours you would have half of half or 25% still in you, which is quite a bit. This was confusing me in the article as well.

        1. 5 half-lifes = full eradication but you don’t have to wait for all 5 half-lifes to be able to take something again. With modafinil after 1 half-life has passed (50% left at 16 hours) it’s safe to take the same dose. You will get a slightly compounding effect as 50% is in your system from before and you just took another dose, but that should be fine unless you’re taking it every day. If you’re worried it won’t be, you can take half your original dose at the 16 hour mark to bring yourself up to the original potency. Experiment with yourself and listen to your body, don’t get too caught up on half-lifes.

      2. So I just got modafinil two days ago and took 100 mg with theanine on an empty stomach (took my chances) and it didn’t really affect me. I was able to take a nap mid-day. Today I took 200 mg with theanine on an empty stomach and I noticed it a little bit. I guess my real question is will alternating between modafinil and caffeine on the weekdays and weekends cause me to have some sort of central nervous system fatigue? I only really use caffeine on the weekends so that I can get the most out of it. I haven’t been messing with modafinil enough to really understand how it works with your hormones and central nervous system compared to other stimulants like caffeine. I’m assuming that there really isn’t a withdrawal from modafinil because it doesn’t give you a small rush of euphoria (dopamine?) like caffeine and it seems less like a stimulant and more like something that stops you from sleeping.

  13. Hi, I super love every single of your post. You are a fantastic writer. Is there any time soon you are going to host a in-person seminar for your followers? It is great to read your work, but it would even better to be able to listen your speech real time and be able to ask questions to you directly

  14. Taking it for 2 weeks. 4 days a week, Monday through thursday. Observation:
    1/4 or 50mg did very little when combined with L-theanine and breakfast. Upped it up to 100mg next day same routine. Felt great and focused.

    I know books are good for me and I would benefit from reading them, but I’d always put them off or read about 40 pages and never pick it up again. I was bored and distracted easily. In my life I perhaps read a total of 6 books, 1-2 if you don’t count school readings. Slow reader. It was pain to push through 20 pages.

    Since starting 100mg in the 7 remaining days of consumption I’ve read 7.5 books. Most finished before noon. I’ve read more actual books in those 7 days than in my entire life.

    Side effects for me:
    -my bottom eyelids would twitch
    -I felt hungry but didn’t eat until 3pm, but I’d eat good amounts, my hunger wasn’t that surpressed.
    -I wanted to fap a lot, I don’t know why

    -I asked loads of questions to family and friends that were almost child-like in curiosity. “Why is the male symbol a circle with a slanted arrow and the female a circle with a downward plus sign?” They all thought it was a silly question but no one had an answer for me.

    -I do have much more energy, put together many things I was putting off, but I needed to list it beforehand or I would drift off into useless browsing or tv.

    -I was more peaceful and happy but towards the end of the day I would get fustrated.

    -I wanted to talk more. I literally wouldn’t stop asking questions.

    -slower telling stories, perhaps more focused?

  15. I’m 50 years old and “suffer” from regular drowsiness and fatigue during the day regardless of how much I slept the night before. By chance, I read about Modafinil on Reddit and have been using periodically for the last six months. I generally take 100mg in the morning. This will usually get me over the hump. Sometimes I take a second dose if I’m really tired. Bottom line is that my experience is totally positive. It eliminates my drowsiness and enables me to focus through my tasks more effectively. It also seems to elevate my mood. By being productive, I am happier. None of that guilt from dragging my ass and wanting to take a nap.

      1. Hi IM. I followed your advice, bought Moda 200s that has been a dud batch, then they shut down. Out $200. :-/

  16. Since is down too, where would you recommend buying Modalert 200mg?

      1. Rocean may want to be careful, the Moda’s by SunPharma could all be duds apparently; on Reddit /afinil right now talking to several others with similar experiences from the recent modas about batch ESS#### all being crapped out.

  17. Great info.

    I have taken a supplement called golf fuel for years now to emhance my golf game. It works fantastic for me.

    It is not a performance enhancing supplement. It has ingredients that ensure that there is no shortage of ingredients that the brain and muscle function to perform.

    This is analogous to when home building trades all have the proper supplies right on hand at the construction site. E.g. bricks, lumber, copper wiring, drywall, etc.

    The top three ingredients are DMAE (converts to choline in the brain), acetyl-L-carnitine, and L-tyrosine.

    I can’t stomach lots of eggs for breakfast, so I take DMAE and L-Theanine to supplement the modafinal. As well as the suuplement Focus Factor (which also contains DMAE).

    So this supports the cofactors that would be expended or used up in using the brain cognitive functions in overdrive. Supplementing the substrates the brain uses for is finction. (This is the same basis for golf fuel to elevate my golf game to normal instead of deficient in the substrates for brain/muscle function)

    Modafinal works as advertised for me. My intellectual cognitive performance is normally very high and focused. Modafinal enhances my cognitive performance and verbal expression by about 40% (I’ve only taken 100mg).

    But it makes me be more like my nature which is a flat affect with business-like performance and dulls my emotions. (I’m a Myers-Briggs INTJ) . So increased cognitive performance but emotional flatness. Once again–makes me more like my true self. So I’ve refrained from taking it when I want my emotions to roam like socializing, which I can do well as an introvert.

  18. Great write up IM.

    What do you think of Ritalin or Adderall? They are pretty good for focus and concentration.

  19. Hi, Thanks for this very helpful article. Not yet started the drug. I consider myself part of the ‘sensitive’ group, based on my reactions to coffee. I’ve also had skin sensitivities in the past, like eczema and hives. Would this predispose me to any skin reactions from taking it ? I’m thinking of starting with 25mg since I’m so freaked with skin sensitivities.

  20. You forgot to add “This article is written under the influence of Modafinil.” Lol. I can attest to all this. .
    Especially wasting time on foolishness if you don’t plan your day in adcance. Especially if you cannot benefit from an environment conducive to concentration like travel.

  21. Do you have an updated link for purchasing modafinil? The one in the post no longer works. Do any of the readers here have a good link? Thanks

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