Fifty Shades of Red (Part 4)

“You need only look at the way in which she is formed, to see that woman is not meant to undergo great labour, whether of the mind or of the body.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

1.) Introduction
2.) The Maxims
3.) In Closing / Relevant Reading

1.) Introduction:

The maxims that comprise the bulk of this article are designed to educate men on the nature of women, as well as the nature of themselves in relation to women. Being a loose collection of maxims, the article is easy-to-read by merit of its broken down format. I’ve likewise adopted brevity here in the hope that the most prominent points will stick more easily.

The maxims listed are inclusive, but not exhaustive. As such, these maxims do not compromise the totality of wisdom available on this topic. This is part 4 in a continuing series, you can find part 1 here, part 2 here and part 3 here.

2.) The Maxims:

IM MAXIM #151 – If she suddenly stops wanting your attention, she’s getting attention of equal or greater value elsewhere.

IM MAXIM #152 – The older the woman, the greater her sense of urgency, the older the man, the more reluctant his urge to commit.

IM MAXIM #153 – All sensations of dread inflicted onto you by her should be responded to with equal or greater dread.

IM MAXIM #154 – To conquer a woman’s ego, frame everything she does as suspicious, call her out, neg her, dismiss her, and you will win. The beauty of this strategy is not even her awareness can diminish its efficacy, for aware or not, dominance is dominance.

IM MAXIM #155 – Preface everything she says with “right now I feel like” and you will understand her better, for she is capriciously fickle.

IM MAXIM #156 – Her intentions are byproducts of her mood, not binding statements derived from a code of honour; a change in mood will as such void all and any prior declarations of intent made by her.

IM MAXIM #157 – Women have to work hard to be likeable, men have to work hard to be fuckable.

IM MAXIM #158 – If she says she needs space, neither argue nor plead. Withdraw all attention. Disappear. The ease with which you depart will make her second guess her decision.

IM MAXIM #159 – Her need to feel safe should outweigh her infantishly narcissistic need to be in charge of things she doesn’t want to be held responsible for.

IM MAXIM #160 – It’s hard for a child to understand the existential pressures of being an adult. To a lesser degree albeit significant degree, the same is true of women with men.

IM MAXIM #161 – A woman with confidence issues can get a quality man because it’s a passive, feminine trait. Boldness is man’s burden.

IM MAXIM #162 – Behind every messed up young woman who had potential is a man who broke her heart, or a misandrist harpy whispering venom into her ears.

IM MAXIM #163 – For all her wiles and prowess in charming and deceiving others, womankind isn’t so good at decision-making. The reason she’s great at the former is the same reason she’s poor at the latter, she’s evolved to “fit in”, not to evaluate with, nor value reason.

IM MAXIM #164 – When you’re in a relationship with a woman, you must drag her up or she’ll drag you down.

IM MAXIM #165 – When women win, everyone loses, women included. They are masochists with a penchant for self-destruction and will destroy themselves as well as any who would help them – if you let them. Refer to Maxim #164

IM MAXIM #166 – Egotistical women think they’re above submissiveness because they’ve forgotten their place, but alphas seek submission, not conflict.

IM MAXIM #167 – Most young women are overly cautious with men because they are mindful of his sexual intent, yet when it comes to insidious older women who would corrupt them, they are gullible. Refer to Maxim #162

IM MAXIM #168 – Men thrive when they’re in touch with reality, but women thrive when they’re insulated from it, for the very loss of innocence which strengthens man damages woman.

IM MAXIM #169 – Despite the cultural narrative that it is men who are the cheats, women are responsible for the majority of adulterous divorce. Women have more opportunities to cheat and are less innately virtuous, thus only by mechanism of constant and ruthless discipline do they properly behave.

IM MAXIM #170 – A woman’s virtue is directly proportional to the level of ruthlessness her man subjects her to. Refer to Maxim #169

IM MAXIM #171 – If she characterises you as villainous, unsavoury, unethical, or otherwise morally reprehensible – you’re winning.

IM MAXIM #172 – A woman who boasts of her capacity to feign submissiveness is not a real woman, she is but a charlatan of artifice, the womanly equivalent of the faux dominant man.

IM MAXIM #173 – Loyalty is not a female trait. Refer to Maxim #170

IM MAXIM #174 – Despite her claims to the contrary, women care less about a man’s ethics than his genes and accomplishments. As such, women will rationalise around the impropriety of the former in order to reap the benefits of the latter. Refer to Maxim #170 and Maxim #171

IM MAXIM #175 – Men are meant to lead women, but women are naturally more cunning than men, consequently the most effective men are highly cunning leaders.

IM MAXIM #176 – Feeling safe with a man who could kill her is insatiably aphrodisiacal for woman, for the simultaneous tingle of attraction amalgamated with a most sensual of gentleness is her most harmonious opiate.

IM MAXIM #177 – When she ignores your shit tests, ignore her existence.

IM MAXIM #178 – If you always make her come to you first, you win. By not chasing her, you subtextually communicate you don’t need her and have other options. By chasing you, she is investing upfront and thus subconsciously affirming to herself she needs you. See law 8.

IM MAXIM #179 – Man’s burden of performance and need to prove his masculinity is often weaponised against him by women in an attempt to have him do things that run counter to his interest.

IM MAXIM #180 – Women are so invertedly egotistical that no matter how damaged they are, they seek not to be fixed, but “merely” desired and accepted irrespective of their undoings.

IM MAXIM #181 – You never get a break with women. If you choose poorly, she will be entitled, arrogant and demanding. She can be put in her place, but she will rebel often. If you choose a quality woman, she will be insecure and needy. Either way she is emotionally erratic, and thus either way, she will test you unrelentingly to feel the authoritative security of your dominance.

IM MAXIM #182 – Women care not for manly emotions, for they are emotionally selfish, self-centred. Women respect man’s ability to make them feel a range of emotion, their penchants being to feel desired and to feel pain.

IM MAXIM #183 – A woman who wants to war more than she wants to serve, is a woman unfit for, and undeserving of, a relationship. Refer to Maxim #166

IM MAXIM #184 – Real women are submissive, and submissive women crave safety, not control. Fake submissives have an unreconciled conflict between feminism and their true natures.

IM MAXIM #185 – Irrespective of her quality, women crave a villain who isn’t afraid to treat her like the war prize her female ancestors were.

IM MAXIM #186 – Due to the absence of a consistent and non-contradictory narrative, the opinions of women are close to worthless. Refer to Maxim #155

IM MAXIM #187 – You are always at war with her. Even if she needs you, she will fight you to both of your detriments. If you’re not the boss, you’re nothing to her.

IM MAXIM #188 – Due to their innately masochistic nature, women try to destroy themselves as well as any man who would dare help them. Refer to Maxim #180 and 187

IM MAXIM #189 – When men fail in their capacity to subdue feminine chaos, when her waves of tyrannical emotion smash through the walls, nothing but the abyss remains.

IM MAXIM #190 – Be under no illusion, women are the chaos element of humanity, men are the order element. It is man’s duty as such to subdue women’s chaos via the righteousness of his noblest discipline. Refer to Maxim #189

IM MAXIM #191 – In a crisis your first concern should not be to fix the problem, but to handle her emotional state. Once her emotions have been handled, it is then and only then she will allow you to address the problem, for until her emotions have been managed, she will be uncooperative and do little but panic and whine.

IM MAXIM #192 – Where women are concerned, it always ends in emotion. Feelings are all the majority of women know, yet even amongst those who know logic – feelings constitute their prime value system. Logic is a quaint peculiarity, if not an outright obnoxious annoyance to the feminine.

IM MAXIM #193 – Smart egotistical women fake submissiveness and wield it as a tool to get what they want. Refer to Maxim #195

IM MAXIM #194 – She must feel like she needs you more than you need her, if she doesn’t, she will think she’s better than you. As a man, you don’t get to be needy, this freedom to be weak is the sole purview of the feminine. Refer to Maxim #199

IM MAXIM #195 – Womanly submissiveness is crack to the masculine soul.

IM MAXIM #196 – Men are superior workers, women superior breeders; men do better in the economy, women do better reproductively.

IM MAXIM #197 – If she’s not a producer, she’s not a keeper. A lazy woman makes for a poor partner, and an even poorer mother.

IM MAXIM #198 – If things become desexualised for any extended period of time, you’re in trouble. A cessation of flirtation foreshadows relational ominousness.

IM MAXIM #199 – Sometimes destruction must precede creation in order for the optimal to be born anew. In this vein and given sufficient skill, man can destroy woman to rebuild her into his desired image, yet if woman is allowed to destroy man, know this: she will leave him to rot.

IM MAXIM #200 – If she can get over you quickly, you weren’t brutal enough with her.

3.) In Closing / Relevant Reading:


The Art of Seduction
The Folklore of Women

You can support IM's work by purchasing his audiobook or subscribing on Patreon

33 thoughts on “Fifty Shades of Red (Part 4)

  1. Superb distillation of reality as usual.One request, would you please,present the arguments for or against marriage in the case of men who are living in countries where there is ‘fault divorce’. These are countries where, unlike the majority of the western world, your wife has to present evidence of several transgressions such as adultery in court before a divorce is granted. She can’t just pack up and leave with your assets once she wants to do what monkeys do, branch swing. I will be facing this dilemma soon enough, and after sifting through hundreds of pages of TRP content over the last two years, practicing game, and observing older married men (they are drained and with zero mojo), I’m beginning to think that i should plan to sidestep marriage. An LTR/ marriage seems like a war where the man keeps sinking considerable resources into an unappreciative woman,a war where “you keep fighting to avoid losing yet you cant win”. This decision would be a no-brainer, If i did not want children. IM can you lend your usual crystal clear perspective to this. I’ve read almost every post you have ever written here. On one hand you clearly show that family is the building block of civilization, and on the other you seem to ‘wake’ men to the fact that marriage is like a fast moving treadmill where you have to keep running to avoid falling off.

    1. Marriage and children are not inextricably linked. While it is a well known fact that children fare better in a two-parent household, as opposed to a single-parent household, marriage is not a prerequisite for starting a family. If you are in a LTR with a woman and have come to the conclusion that you would like to start a family with her, then show her, through you actions, that you are committed to her and that should be more than enough. Marriage should be a part of the equation only if you want it to be.

      Depending on the woman, by informing her you want children you do run the risk of her asking/pressuring you for marriage, but this should not alter your decision to forgo marriage. This very scenario is a perfect illustration of what is meant by the common manosphere trope of “Holding Frame.” Opinions of others (women in particular) or society should not affect your thought process, decision making, or behavior. This is your life, therefore you are the only in control. If you have decided that marriage is too much of a risk for you then you should not allow a woman’s emotions to sway your decision, regardless of how severe her temper tantrum may be or whatever shaming tactics she may employ (i.e., real men get married, you are just an immature little boy, etc).

      I suggest revisiting parts 1-3 of this series to add further clarity to your situation. One maxim, in particular, that resonated deeply with me was “A man who commits easily and gives his attention freely, is the male equivalent of a slut to women. He will be used, but never desired.”

      From your comment it appears that you do in fact want children but would prefer to forgo marriage. If that is the case, then let your intentions be known in a nonthreatening but dominant manner. If she accepts then great, if not, don’t hesitate to move on (i.e., abundance mentality). IM Maxim #194 is a good reference point here: “She must feel like she needs you more than you need her, if she doesn’t, she will think she’s better than you…”

      Simply put, marriage is not a requirement for starting a family. You are the man, you dictate the status of the relationship. Should she threaten to terminate the relationship if you do not marry her, then you simply move on.

      IM Maxim #184: “Real women are submissive, and submissive women crave safety, not control…”

      1. Marriage existed only because it would be difficult to break a relationship during tough times, which is when people are tested. Anyone can commit when the going is well, but you need an anchor when the seas are rough – if you weren’t tough back then, you didn’t survive.

        These days though, marriage is only an incentive for the exact opposite thing.

  2. Great post, IM. Although I consider myself as a knowledgeable person in terms of understanding women, your posts always offer something new to me.

    Waiting for the next part of Machiavellian maxims. I absolutely love that series.

  3. Excelent article. Just one thing: Maxims #175 and #198 are very similar, so perhaps you could tweak them a bit.

  4. 175 and 198 seem to be dupes 😉 Correct me if I’m wrong.

    Excellent post though. Can’t fathom how your content is still this sharp when you’re up to Part 4 in a series. Your readers are #blessed for sure.


    1. Can’t let the quality drop, this whole blog was built and shall thusly be continued on a core principal of maintaining high quality standards. Glad you’re enjoying the series, the overlooked dupe has been remedied!

  5. IM MAXIM #151 – “If she suddenly stops wanting your attention, she’s getting attention of equal or greater value elsewhere.”

    You perfectly articulated what I’ve been witnessing with my main chick. She recently joined one of the top sororities at out university and isn’t feinding for my time and attention like she used to.

    Suddenly, she has tons of girls in her sorority telling her she’s perfect and tons of frat guys flirting/hitting on her. She used to blow up my phone if we didn’t talk for a single day, but now it’ll be 3-5 days before she texts me.

    The game is the game. I saw this coming which is why I have back-ups. Lol bitch thought she could play me.

    1. Illuminated man,

      Idea for a new article, just from a long time reader.

      “How to outwork other males around you, and destroy the competition”.- Working behind the scenes on self improvement and what to focus on.
      -Making money?
      -Working out?
      -Making grades?
      -Studying the darker tetrad

      Where should a young guy 18-24 allocate his time for maximum return.

      How the average day should be structured for a young guy who wants to dominate the market down the road.

      1. 5:30 Awaken, make bed, dress for gym
        6:00 – ? Gym, preferably cardio circuits twice weekly, heavy lifting 3X weekly and Saturday “hike”.
        8:00 Shower, protein, travel to work
        9-12:00 Put every important/difficult task on the docket and complete as much as possible
        12:00-12:30 Read, study and think on profession, trade, game, nutrition, exercise, faith, etc. AVOID lunch if working physically hard.
        12:30 -5:00 Bust out as much productivity as you can in one hour increments, :15 minute breaks.
        5:00 -7:00 Nutrition, study and evening prep (Wednesdays and Fridays) Nutrition, study and walk in target rich environment (“Prime the pump” Mon, Tues, Thurs) parks, malls, stores, laundromat, church.
        Saturday – use 9:00 – 5:00 to clean house, exterior house/auto maintenance, prep for Saturday night “Gametime”.
        Sunday – No gym, go to church, set up work flow for Monday AM, Relax, Eat off plan, study, game.

    2. That’s why we have so many leads and 1h Daygame/ Study etc. When she flakes/ goes.

      Never let a bitch slow your momentum. Always flunk that bitch, let your life momentum and momentum of (always more) plates spin faster.

      Nexting is a powerful habit for the own psyche and overall superiority validation for yourself. Next for momentum.


  6. Love these Maxims! Love this site! Please continue!
    Maxim 171: Could you elaborate on this one a little more?

  7. Great work! I’ve been a huge fan for a while now! While I agree mostly, there seem to be women who do not necessarily respond well to use of these maxims. Author Robert Greene of the art of seduction said “treat each woman like a seperate country/culture. Stop applying the same tactics to different women. Shut off your interior monologue and penetrate her way of thinking.” Are these maxims universal or situation based, as I assume the latter, but would love to hear your thoughts.
    Thanks again!

  8. Being reading your post for about a month now, did not dare to comment because I was letting this new found knowledge sink in before commenting. All I want to say it, you are legend, learning the core of Machiavellian philosophy and using it as tool couldnt be more articulate than you have written.

    Respect, from India!

  9. #185 is my fave of this set. my girl once told me that women want to act like they do the selecting, but because of self-esteem issues, body issues, self doubt, etc., they are self-limited.

    nothing does more for a woman’s ego than for her to feel like the man has other options, ie. he’s the prize, and that he chose her (from his many options) as his ‘war’ trophy.

  10. Sir IM,

    MAXIM #162 – Behind every messed up young woman who had potential is a man who broke her heart. – I believe that behind the messed up young woman is a missing father or the existence of a weak, wimpy one, Coupled with a controlling, no so young, messed up mother.

    MAXIM #170 – virtue is acquired in girlhood (probably age 3-10). So she must be subjected to ruthlessness, as you correctly cited, but via a morally ruthless father. If left till at, or after, puberty, it is too late and no man will be able to induce virtue then.

    MAXIM #176 – when you say safe with a man who could kill her, is that opposed to would kill her?


  11. To alter the fact about genisis a bit, i think man would have tremendously thriven had Adam’s seventh rib been a man becoz as one of your articles stated, we don’t need women but they need us

  12. I just read this list for the third time and I absorbed just as much wisdom as the first time. Thank you!

    #182 “… their penchants being to feel desired and to feel pain.”

    I would love to hear more about a womans desire to feel emotional pain. I am beginning to see the truth of this more and more but I am not yet clear as to why or what it looks like.

    The other day a girl confided in me and said. “The reason I like to be treated like sh*t is because deep down I know that’s what I deserve.”

  13. … you are in need of a good mother, lover, or a way of admitting that deep down you hate women and this ‘blog’ is your only way to find your way out of the closet… ‘praise jebus!!!’… hate on women… or maybe you just want to suck a dick!!… fyi i love my sisters, mother, and every woman i have ever been with, with only pure respect…. maybe if you did the same then they wouldn’t upset you so much….

    1. ” i love my sisters, mother, and every woman i have ever been with, with only pure respect….”

      If that’s true, why are you so angry? White Knighting isn’t going to get her to sleep with you.

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