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The Collapse & The Evolution of Awareness

What would happen if the red pill ever became a mainstream intellectual framework? In my estimation society would either a: collapse or b: a sizeable number of redpillers would evolve into neoreactionaries as they begin to analyse the entire system and implement change at the political and legal levels. Essentially the state of affairs would devolve into all-out ideological warfare with sex-positive feminism, the prevailing hegemonic ideology in the west as it stands. Modern day contemporary feminism is but a shadowy figure of doublespeak and doublethink which stands defiant and omnipotent in what is a post-religious collection of societies, succeeding the role of religion as both moral and social arbitrator, espousing it’s radicalist rhetoric through various imperative and declarative assertions in a hysterically hyperbolic manner such as: “thou shalt not rape!” , “thou may judge man, not woman” , “keeping a home is slavery!”, “you can have it all!” (if you’re a woman) among other such asinine and societally dysfunctional beliefs. 

Feminism as the dominant societal ideology in the hearts and minds of the citizenry is much like the religion of past society, to openly disagree with feminist beliefs and to a wider extent, politically correct egalitarian belief systems is the west’s modern day equivalent of blasphemy, because if you’re not with them the dichotomous nature of their indoctrination leads them to believe you must be against them, inevitably leading to career blacklisting, libellous defamation/vilification and the harshest of social exclusion from the proverbial herd. This is why anonymity permeates the redpill community, nobody is willing to lose their livelihood and ability to subsist due to the opinions they keep being held in the wrong era, whilst I’m on the topic here’s a relevant law of power you should observe. In the modern west to be perceived as feminist friendly is not an ideological choice that the citizenry are free to make, but rather a requirement of anyone wishing to progress or at least sustain themselves in the corporatism of modern capitalism, especially should they happen to be male. Failure to tow this line will have such a man’s repute eviscerated via the public declaration he is a hateful misogynist (allowing him to be placed in the position of oppressor and thus justifiably punished whilst ironically it is he who is actually being oppressed), much like the church would previously denounce their blasphemers as heretics, accusing their detractors of all kinds of crazy shit “this motherfucker casts magic, a child of satan!” the day’s modern feminists are mutually always in the market for a good witch hunt. It’s the same shaming mechanism and same ideological hegemony but with a different ideology, funny how that works.

The de facto hegemony of radicalised feminism alongside the decline of religion is one of the main proponents (although not the sole proponent) owing to the increase in amorality/immorality and the decline of a moral and honour-bound culture. Increasing apathy, isolation, anxiety, desensitization, depression, distrust and ultimately sociopathy among other dysfunctional and detrimental human behaviours are all symptoms of the feminist induced collapse of the traditional family unit complemented by an increasingly impersonal and globalising world. In essence, feminism alongside other social engineering efforts such as multiculturalism as well as wage deflation through mechanisation and its outsourcing via globalisation has transformed western societies from homogeneously high-trust to low-trust multicultural socially unintegrated melting pots. The decline of the Anglo-American and European social and moral fabric is not sustainable, and neither is the red pill’s way of “playing the system” as “the system” will eventually change/evolve/devolve or crash entirely. This is not a criticism of TRP as much as it is a reality of it, as a civilization we are in a constant state of flux, by the time you have your own grandkids (assuming you choose to continue your genetic line) the things you learnt on the red pill would need to be calibrated for the environment that your grandkids will find themselves in should you choose to pass on red pill knowledge to them. The most basic and rudimentary maxims will hold, but the methodology of their application will more than likely, not. For example Arthur Schopenhauer’s 19th century German philosophy on women, as well as concepts such as hypergamy and female sexual plurality will remain largely static, however how such things are exemplified and interpreted will depend upon the political climate (the level of power and relevance that feminism will hold in that timeframe as a social ideology), as well as the effects of technological leaps influencing how people interact and socialise with one another. 

For example, an alpha grandpa would have no concept of tinder (no computers/internet existed) and as feminism was weaker/less radicalised marriage to him wasn’t automatically deemed a high-risk, low-reward investment. TRP is ultimately a pragmatic and contemporary philosophy, if “the system” (the dominant ideology, social policy and politics of society were to change) then TRP will either cease to be (out of obsolescence) or change with the system proving itself as an intellectual framework that is adaptive rather than maladaptive, having its history archived on the internet in relation to the-then contemporary issues of the time. Being a philosophy born on the internet, it will leave a fully transparent data trail that will allow all who dig through the depths of the internet to see in its entirety how the philosophy has evolved and progressed in line with its adherents understandings and deductions, deductions that will eventually culminate in taking red pill insights in their present day form to their natural conclusions, accounting for any significant shift in the political and ideological makeup of society along the way. This effectively leaves the red pill wide open to scrutiny, and should it ever stray down an incoherent path it will be possible to see where it went wrong or what effectively corrupted the philosophy and allow for correction where deemed fit.

The seduction movement better known as PUA evolved independently of the Men’s Rights movement and it was the consolidation of both of these areas of thought that gave birth to TRP through the increase in self-awareness that their entanglement entails, essentially the “consolidation” was a process of connecting all the dots between PUA and men’s rights with the supplementation of self-improvement thrown in for good measure, amounting to a perspective that looked to be a superior improvement upon its predecessors. In a way, one could say it was an industrial revolution of ideological gender philosophy within the masculine vein of neoreaction, bringing many separate ideas together under one umbrella and interpreting them with an anti-feminist, pro-male, amoral slant to give pragmatically useful and rational understanding to a multitude of social issues that the common man faces in the face of a contemporary paradigm where such a man would not have any other effective alternative avenue for recourse. Prior to this consolidation and concentration of consciousness, PUAs had “woken up” (to a limited extent) by learning that society was fucked up in ways that were previously inconceivable to them, and perhaps hilariously (or quite worryingly) the reason they “woke up” was because they couldn’t get laid. With an almost even gender ratio the men that began to form the demography of the seduction movement began the movement thinking “getting laid shouldn’t be this difficult”, “how can I make getting laid a lifestyle or something easily performed?” many of them having followed the poor advice mainstream society gives on relationships “happy wife, happy life” “get a good education, get a career, be nice, provide, have kids” and yadda yadda yadda to no avail.

Despite the prevailing social condition that a society of feminine primacy had endorsed, men who took to the seduction movement did so because initially they had begun to feel not only awkward and out-of-place in their everyday interactions, but socially and even morally wronged, women seemed intangible, confusing, as well as socially and legally superior to them despite the so-called egalitarian social standing that each gender supposedly enjoys (courtesy of the bullshit that is the mainstream academic elite’s progressive narrative.) It was thus that men of various ages, nations and races began to simultaneously feel disenchanted and out-of-place with their existence, finding themselves both socially and sexually unfulfilled across the globe in societies that valued feminine primacy, in locales where feminism is a state endorsed ideology, men in significant numbers were struggling to find romantic happiness because their needs and wants were vilified, ignored and largely unconsidered by their cultures. Having a harder time than their female counterparts whilst being unable to place their finger on exactly what was wrong with themselves and the culture they lived in, they began to irk that something was off, they just didn’t know what that something was. Ultimately it was the consolidation of knowledge gained about women through the trial and error of pickup artistry (the relearning of knowledge that feminism had suppressed about women through political correctness) and the growing visibility of feminine primacy via the increasingly obnoxious voice of radical feminism not to mention the light shone on male legal subjugation by the men’s rights movement that culminated in the eventual birth of the red pill.

The next step after fully internalising and understanding TRP is to become a neoreactionary, that is, to understand the culture you live in and why it is how it is in a more complete form, not simply master the understanding of intersocial behaviours people in your culture exhibit within a sociosexual dynamic, but to effectively dispel all the idealistic politically correct lies that compose the crux of “the progressive narrative.” Unlike TRP/PUA which are overwhelmingly male dominated (with RPW and fPUA being minor, if somewhat far less notable offshoots), neoreaction is far less gender exclusive as it is a reaction to the state of contemporary western civilization as a whole and not simply the gender dynamics of society which albeit central, are not wholesome of the entire paradigm we find ourselves living in. Neoreaction spans many different areas of academic ideology pertaining to modern civilization of which it criticises are the cause of its decline. It runs across race lines, economic lines, political lines, religious lines, as well as gender lines.

As I said prior TRP is the masculine vein of neoreaction along a gender line, whilst the institutionalisation of feminism was the female reaction fifty years prior. The neo-neo reaction to TRP has quite ironically been the vocalisation for more radical feminism, with the radfems exposing the ugliness of their disposition by trying to silence TRP by declaring it (and petitioning the US government to declare it) a hate movement, whilst also trying to use TRP as something they can use to validate their sexist, bigoted and misandrist beliefs rather than acknowledge feminism and it’s radicalisation had begun long before TRP was even an anxiously horny glint in the eye of the first PUA. In essence, feminism tries to paint TRP as the boogeyman to try and give itself legitimacy as a competing victim narrative in a civilization where it is not only becoming increasingly obsolete, but one where the ruling “progressive narrative” ensures that the bigger the perceived victimhood is of a particular group in society, the more power, privilege and politically correct social capital they are given to abuse to the detriment of the collective whole.

Unfortunately, not everyone will make the complete journey along the road of PUA to TRP to neoreaction (most progress in this order through their journey of continuing and increasing awareness) as the further you go along, the steeper the intellectual incline becomes. That is to say the further you go along the path of rational and intellectual enlightenment and self-discovery, the more brain power you need to comprehend just what the hell is going on among the complex intricacies of the diverse modern social fabric. Due to its breadth and vast area of focus neoreaction is infinitely more complex and arguably far less pragmatically applicable than the red pill is and for that reason alone, alongside the intellectual bell curve required to try and comprehend its arguments, it will find itself being far less popular than the red pill, the red pill in a way serving as a sort of gateway into neoreaction once the most intellectual redpillers feel they fully understand TRP and seek more in-depth and profound understanding in areas outside the sphere of gender dynamics. Neoreaction is not a direct evolution of the red pill, but more of a complement in overall awareness to it, that is to say, neoreaction will not override TRP in relevance in the way that TRP has overridden PUA, but it will complement TRP by exposing the delusional nature of various mainstream narratives and systems of prevailing academic thought much in the way that TRP exposes the fallaciousness of modern sociosexual dynamics from the masculine perspective.

Metaphorically speaking if PUA were a country, TRP is a continent and neoreaction would be the entire planet. If you do not want to do anything but get laid, PUA is enough, if you want to explore your neighbours and build a better-rounded successful life you’re going to want TRP, if you want to traverse the world, and add an in-depth understanding of the various prevailing economic, political, religious and other miscellaneous associated narratives and agendas of our time then you’re going to want to add neoreaction to your arsenal of understanding. Ultimately it is TRP that will give you the power to act and behave and instigate change physically whilst neoreaction will further amplify your understanding of the world, in essence, neoreaction in the metaphorical sense is a “second red pill”, not everyone needs it, not everybody wants it (letting go of all one’s ignorance is incredibly toilsome and has a tendency to induce existential nihilism) whilst if you simply don’t care about your genetic line or the state of civilization but desire to merely live a good life whilst you have your time on this Earth then TRP should be more than enough for you. Neoreaction isn’t for everyone, not everyone is an intellectual or budding revolutionary and that’s fine, but for those that are, there are definitely dots to be connected between TRP and neoreaction and I invite all the more veteran redpillers “looking to find further understanding” to add /r/darkenlightenment to their list of subscribed subreddits.

For all related thoughts use the comments box as usual, for unrelated thoughts, advice and questions contact me via the “about/contact page.” I do try to reply to all my messages although it is not always possible for me to do so considering the length of reply and effort required that some enquires warrant.

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