Success is “Alpha”, Failure is “Beta”

I believe alpha/beta are mind-sets based on a confidence to success ratio, for example, you could pretend to be effeminate as a deception to access a particular circle of women and if you gain access to that group by doing so and then tune up your manliness to build attraction and start fucking girls you’ve already built comfort with then that’d be “alpha.” This is how “gay/bi guys” get laid with hot chicks. Why’s this alpha? Well despite the effeminate charade, you won. If you don’t believe your own effeminate bullshit but merely use it as a tool to get what you want then utilising that behaviour instrumentally to ascertain success does not make one beta. I correlate “alpha” as a concept to being successful, not to dominance or aggression, sure dominance and aggression are masculine, but being masculine doesn’t make one necessarily alpha. You can be masculine and be a fucking loser by nature of incompetence. Think aggressive homeless people.

Alphas don’t need to be the centre of attention all the time. Think aloof game. Not giving a fuck is more “alpha” than the guy who’s always trying to assert himself. Don’t be a try-hard. You can be an alpha and do absolutely terribly in a social situation, who cares if you weren’t the Marilyn Monroe centrepiece? Perhaps you don’t have particular things in common with those people or the circumstances are unfavourable, whatever, don’t chase, replace. Apply that concept to everything except job applications, nearly everything is replaceable. Abundance mentality. Find a new group that you can be bothered to interact with, one you do resonate with. Failure is inevitable, desensitise yourself to it, being the hostage of failure will hold you back for the rest of your life. Attain outcome independence.

If you win and obtain what you want, that’s “alpha.” If you do what you do because you want to do it, if you play the game of life on your own terms, then you’re an alpha male. If you decide/lead/command/take responsibility for others, then you’re alpha. If you’re indecisive, follow, obey obediently and avoid responsibility then you’re beta because your will is not strong, your motives aren’t in play, you are a pawn rather than a player.

A lot of people new to red pill philosophy and I’d hazard a guess, generally, younger people, think specific decisions can are “beta” or “alpha” these are things they confuse with “assertive” and “passive.” You use passiveness strategically and come out on top, that’s alpha because you’re winning at life despite the lack of chest thumping and overt shows of manliness.

If you’re a leader implementing a tactical retreat, you didn’t “commit a beta move” you simply made a call that was passive in nature for whatever logical reasons that you have. When a general pulls his troops out of a place where the fight is being lost, the general isn’t “being a beta”, he’s still a smart, respected man, in fact one could argue that by choosing to keep his troops in there, out of pride, that this move of aggression “is the beta move” as the needless posturing results in higher losses and thus heightened failure, see what I mean about confidence to success ratio? This is an example of misplaced confidence which resulted in an outcome producing failure, failure is never “alpha” unless it’s tactically planned, in the case of a sacrifice or compromise it must be intended and produce some kind of dividend, if the sacrifice or compromise was not beneficial or intended, you’re a casualty of war, not a game player.

Whether you use passive or dominant moves to achieve your goals has nothing to do with whether you are an alpha or a beta, you can use either to win, winning at life is what makes one alpha, losing at life (and/or with women specifically) is what makes one “a beta.” A beta is synonymous with failure and a lack of success in one or more areas of life. Generally speaking, socially (can’t make friends), sexually (can’t build attraction) and financially (can’t do much of anything!)

Let’s look at what someone might think fits as being alpha because its macho “an alpha move”, say you get arrested by the police because you had a fight with a girls boyfriend who fought you after finding out that you had sex with his girl. This is not winning at anything, it’s paying the price for the pussy, if you didn’t pay in dinero, now you’re paying in blood, I don’t know about where you live my fellow reader but in the UK they give good money for blood, I don’t intend to donate that shit to some frustrated boyfriend because I got some poon from his leg spreading whore on the side. Being smart and having success is winning, although by fucking another man’s girl you might get the last laugh ego wise, spilling blood for a whore is a price too high to pay. You should value your own health, time and safety more than some random little bitches vagina.

You should intend to keep the price of low commitment pussy as low as possible by making sure the supplier (the girl in question) isn’t going to blow up on you and cause collateral damage (don’t shit where you eat, make sure the BF isn’t a psycho murderer, avoid bitches expected to have sexual diseases, girls who cry rape, girls who show signs of previous abuse, single mothers hunting for a baby daddy etc.) Don’t fight some guy because your ego tells you “hey man, backing out of a confrontation is a beta move, better man up!” that kind of retarded immature thinking is what reduces your quality of life because now you’re paying in pints of blood for a random whore and you’ve gone and squandered valuable self-improvement time sitting in a hospital getting patched up for her. Yeah the mere minutes in the pussy are so totally worth those couple of hours in hospital. Logic my men, logic.

My “contention” is that actions aren’t inherently beta or alpha and trying to label specific courses of action/decision in a vague context as either is a poor application of red pill philosophy. Backing down, although passive, is not “a beta move” calling specific decisions or behaviours or even traits “beta moves” is dumb because everything is contextual, we have something called “beta game” for a reason, simply put, sometimes seeming like “a typical beta” will produce the best results in a situation, e.g. when you need to earn trust, build comfort or open a social circle. You can bait and switch to open up places you otherwise couldn’t, let’s face it, people view “alpha males” as threats to their success/pussy/security. If you build up trust with beta game, you can then exploit that position of trust by switching things up and building attraction.

People are wary of domineering people they don’t know, so toning it down can help a metric fuck ton in the presence of those who are mate guarding, cockblocking or otherwise an obstruction e.g. you won’t get the promotion seeming overly masculine, mix up alpha flirting with beta eagerness in the “work review” with the post-wall chick, feed her ego with validation whilst not seeming overly “misogynist” and boom, enjoy the pay rise.

A beta is a culmination of things within a person’s character which results in an unsuccessful and/or unfulfilling lifestyle, it’s a place on the hierarchy both sexual and social, applying it to actions, thoughts and all manner of intricate things is counter-productive as it causes one to over analyse and second guess, it’s almost as if one is going back to the PUA route of mechanising and learning specific things and picking them apart for external understanding (like canned lines and routines, following a specific model from comfort to attraction etc.) rather than internalising a mind-set which allows certain behaviours to manifest as a natural by-product of such internalisation (also known as “inner game”) thus allowing the individual to “do the right things.”

You do the right thing because you possess a confidence and mind-set which facilitates success, there should be no rehearsing, just practicing, real shit. Know the difference between rehearsing and practising. Practising is when you do shit over and over and again to fine tune your craft and improve on its technique, presentation, delivery etc. Rehearsing is taking the same crap over and over and trying to emulate it verbatim as best as you can. Practising allows growth, rehearsing encourages stagnation and keeps you dependent on pre-fed procedures that you don’t have a true grasp of.

We had a thread on /r/theredpill, perhaps a month or two ago that was stickied saying “stop calling specific things alpha and beta its fucking stupid” or something along those lines, however I see a lot of people still doing it “oh he decided not to approach, what a beta move!” this is the crux of this post, this is what I disagree with – getting hung up on whether something is alpha or beta in nature in and of itself is counter-productive and fictitious, how you perceived some shit doesn’t necessarily make it so, it doesn’t help people improve, it makes them second guess themselves which isn’t something someone with strong inner game should be concerning themselves with, do you think someone whose “alpha” is there thinking to themselves “that action was kind of beta of me?” Of course not, it just stinks of insecurity, sure you can fuck up and fail but if you learn from your mistakes and start finding success you’re on the path to becoming alpha. Only constant failure makes one beta, as in, failure so regular it’s almost absolute, an inability to learn, an ignorance.

The typical failures of getting to grips with a learning curve are nothing to be concerned with, they’re normal, as long as there is some success mixed in with your failure as you get to grips with your journey of self-actualisation there’s nothing wrong with not achieving a perfect result on your endeavours, the failures encountered in the learning process don’t denote “being beta”, it’s being a failure, constantly failing, which makes one a beta, this is fundamentally different from failing as necessary upon the path of practice and self-improvement.

A beta is someone who doesn’t understand women and/or hasn’t got their shit together mentally and/or fails to understand the nature of the game of life, betas are simply delusional low value people who are lacking on one of societies main judgements of value, be it economically, sexually or socially. In fact, I’m going to add a “half caveat” here, the only action, which I guess is more of an viewpoint than a definitive action per se which I would consider inherently “beta” in and of itself is putting the pussy on a pedestal and to fit in with the main theory I’m positing here, what does that kind of view/behaviour result in? Failure of course. Sending long text messages? Telling her she’s beautiful and special? Being overly attentive? Failure, failure, failure. She’ll construe all that shit as neediness, not sexiness.

However, in and of itself calling specific causes of action beta is unintelligent. Should we start calling one guy who isolates and ignores the rest of the group “a renegade alpha move” and another guy who does nothing “making sigma moves?” It’s retarded thinking. These terms are used to describe psychological archetypes, not specific actions and behaviour.

For example, maybe it’s a beta move you don’t try to AMOG the group alpha? Or maybe its alpha you’re being “the better man” by not doing that or maybe it’s beta that you don’t “man up” and challenge the group alpha. Do you see what I mean? Perception is a transparent bitch, apply whatever lens you like to this shit, it’s all fictitious “hamstered” garbage. Actions aren’t inherently beta or alpha, a person’s frame is within a specific context, if you can well justify (and I mean justify, as in strategically and not rationalise) why you weren’t aggressive with something then by all means don’t kick yourself in the testicles for not being high off your own testosterone, there’s a time and a place for aggression, apply it meaningfully and accurately, not needlessly and endlessly. Those who misapply aggression show the intelligent among us they are insecure within themselves and thus overcompensate by demonstrating ferociousness as a guise.

When I see guys who feel like they need to squash every little challenge and never let their guard down, despite their masculine/aggressive frame their inability to allow transgression screams insecurity. That’s not what defines being an alpha, being an alpha is about living on your own terms and not taking peoples shit whilst still finding success in what you want and do, with that should come self-certainty and a kind of independence that most people don’t have both physically and mentally, this includes things such as not being a wage slave, not giving too many fucks about people’s opinions, getting pussy without being chained to alimony/child support etc. Independence and freedom are beautiful things for those who can handle them.

On the topic of dominance, in my own personal interactions I self-deprecate a lot, which to someone who misunderstands red pill philosophy, may mistake for “being beta” as they don’t understand the underlying Machiavellianism in play and how what I do actually gains me power covertly.

When I’m around people with weak egos who need to make themselves comfortable by insulting others/shit testing nefariously I agree and amplify to the point of ridiculousness. You call me insecure? Sure, I’m so insecure I still suck my thumb to help me sleep at night. Let’s make me the target of aggression and laugh at me, I’m comfortable enough to not give a fuck and if it makes a guy’s insecurity dissipate so we can have a good time? Good. Doing this assists people who aren’t as resistant to scrutiny/criticism as I am and helps them loosen up and accept the social dynamic without being anxious or restrained, self-deprecation is a great ice-breaker, I really recommend the shit – that’s for another article, however.

To the untrained eye I look like a beta letting these guys get away with saying insulting things, to those who know their shit, I’ve just made a bunch of friends and demonstrated high value by showing that I not only have a sense of humour, but if you’re going to talk shit about me I won’t give a fuck about your views, mere words don’t faze me, I don’t hand my power over to you. See what I mean about perceiving specific actions as alpha/beta? It’s a psychological lens, not an actuality.

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14 thoughts on “Success is “Alpha”, Failure is “Beta”

  1. You are a greater sigma, I would like to talk with you about some books and feedbacks, my english sucks and I apologize for that.

  2. Mind = blown! Finally someone that has been able to explain with precise detail the alpha/beta discussion that seems to overwhelm the red pill community. Alpha = winning. And winning in whatever the fuck you want to be winning at, socially, sexually and econominally.

    Thank you my man. I just found this blog and I am forever greatful for the content I’ve read so far. Your dissection of the Red Pill is highly articulate and the best part; I FINALLY GET IT, from your point of view… You’re a great writer and I highly encourage you to keep up the good work. Well done.

    Also, I am working on “covert” communication and wondered if you had any suggestions to get better at it for Machiavellian ways and because that is the language of women.

    I appreciate you man!

  3. Wow. I must say this is quite insightful. Being alpha or beta all boils down to context. An alpha chooses his wars.

    1. no, its not at all about context, its inner game, identity, self worth conscious value. Its never about the context, an alpha creates the context

  4. Another post that is pure gold. Dichotomous thinking is natural to man. I believe it arose in our evolutionary past to assist us in making quick decisions. Sometimes our brains need to compute certain situations very efficiently. Under duress it is adaptive to know what is dangerous and what is not. For example, I’m hunting and see a tiger. Well, that’s bad so I need to find a quick escape. I shouldn’t be over analyzing that issue. However, if I notice that the tiger is lame and alone, well maybe that is dinner for me instead. Perhaps I take a second to re-evaluate, but only a second. This type of split thinking also works well in applying principles and values, i.e. I always use a condom while banging a bitch; I know I can’t drink alcohol without losing my mind, so therefore I never drink alcohol; I always look both ways before crossing the street; I know there is Truth, so therefore I search for it; etc.

    Social situations vary greatly though. Being flexible is key. And social situations don’t always require immediate decisions, but they do require logic and a plan.

    In the domain of women and dance, I always need to take time to evaluate a dance partner, even ones that I have danced with on prior occasions- women are fickle. Are they trying to lead me? Are they followers and submissive from the start? Do the new ones shit-test me right off the bat and ask,”Do you know what you are doing?” Are they chit-chatty throughout the dance trying to distract me and test my strength and/or are they talking because they are nervous as all hell because they’ve seen me dance and are in the present of a man that has confidence and skill?

    If they try to lead me, I make a joke out of it and tell them that I like a challenge. I do. Getting them to relax by the end of a dance is a nice feeling. If I need to be a little soft to build comfort, I will. If I sense they are trying to take over the dance, perhaps I apply a little muscle on the next turn, reminding them of who’s the lead. But never too much muscle. Almost every women will talk shit about you at the dance hall if you are too aggressive and spin them too hard. After the dance I can apply aloof game or get another girl to dance to create competition anxiety or rev up the beta by chatting and showing interest- then pull back and ignore her-let her chase me or dance with a regular to showcase my skills and on and on. All of this is learned and different girls and situations call for different strategies. Lots and lots of failure too.

    I agree that alpha is about being successful and flexible. A beta mind-set is so narrow: avoid failure at all costs and placate woman as default mode to try to get in her pants. Ugh, I can’t believe I used to have that mindset.

  5. New to your site. Going through every article slowly, will vary my name in the comment section. Some of the material I definitely isn’t mainstream friendly, so hoping the book comes out is!

    TBH just reading these articles makes me realise how confused young men (my peer group) are. Overall it is validating to read your work as I feel I’m going down the right path without realizing it.

    On a personal level I am very much aggressive, but it is never really physically despite my frame and stature (like you said above don’t go to jail, don’t be dumb). Despite considering myself aggressive and ruthless when it comes to my career goals, only 1-5% of people see me like this i.e 10-50 people in 1000 (mainly people trying to screw me over, or be that dominant stereotype you are mentioning). The other 95-99% of people I interact with usually think I’m a nice, thoughtful, innocent and humorous guy.

    Great example model to follow – Steve Jobs. CEO of Apple. Considered a douchebag by his employees, highly aggressive, rude, cunning, megalomaniac. Yet in his private life, he was considered kind, gentle, thoughtful, spiritual etc.

    Having an ego ruins lives. Literally. You have to know when to turn the switch on and off. If everyone was nice and moral, you probably could live a simple life and never be alpha, but you only have to be to get results and also as a defense mechanism.

  6. I have a question on Self-Deprecation.
    You give us an example in the “social dynamic” where the subject answered was a: “people with weak ego who need to make themselves comfortable by insulting others”.
    Does Self-Deprecation works (the effect of Power) on:
    1. Women you wanna game?
    2. Woman you wanna game sees you in the group, doing self-deprecation answered to the weak ego man?

    I ask you this because Rollo did an Iron Rule on Self-Deprecation (number 9) and it goes like:
    “Never Self-Deprecate under any circumstance. This is a Kiss of Death that you self-initiate and is the antithesis of the Prize Mentality.”

    I may didnt understand it. please can you explain the equation?

  7. Can you please explain the part where you say never chase always replace except job applications. So, should we keep chasing a job even though we are not getting good response from employer.

  8. Deep article. It just clarified the whole issue for me. I was always getting stuck up on criticking my every move. This makes a tonne of sense & tales the load. Thanks my guy 👍

  9. So you don’t think raising a family is alpha? You just want pussy without having to pay for the consequences of getting said pussy?
    Or are you advocating birth control measures to ensure you don’t accidentally procreate?
    If you’ve produced a child then you should be paying for it – it’s half your responsibility after all and isn’t it a “beta move” not to take care of your responsibilities ? Aren’t you losing if you are relying on someone else to look after your responsibilities ? As much as someone taking a dole cheque every month at least (if not more). If you’re going to shag around you either should be making sure you aren’t getting children on your “random whores” or you are paying them to look after your child. A true alpha (or any leader) is responsible for the people in his group – that includes any children he made. If you’re not taking responsibility for anyone but yourself you aren’t alpha, you are a lone wolf.

  10. If you decide/lead/command/take responsibility for others, then you’re alpha.

    Why is responsibility alpha?

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