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Divergent Missions

Divergent Missions

It is natural for a feeling of mere indifference to exist between men, but between women it is actual enmity. This is due perhaps to the fact that odium figulinum in the case of men, is limited to their everyday affairs, but with women embraces the whole sex; since they have only one kind of business.”Arthur Schopenhauer

1.) Introduction
2.) Mission Before Woman
3.) Man Is Her Mission
4.) Compromise & Womanly Worthiness
5.) In Closing / Relevant Reading

1.) Introduction:

Where testosterone coalesces with creativity, the engine of civilization hums on the fuel of male ambition. Civilization is man’s grand project, an expression of his thought form and aspiration, and although from time to time atypical women will make spontaneous contributions, its distinctly masculine texture remains dominant.

Man has a mission beyond the scope of the home, it is merely the scale of vision and ability to actualise that differs among men. Indeed, we owe modern civilization to men who kept firm to their life’s work and executed their vision, for it is women who bring us into existence, but men who make said existence glorious. All men have missions, but it is within the provision for humanity through the development of civilization that the greats illuminate the depth and scale of said ambition.

Women are concerned with matters of people, people are women’s business, reproduction with a powerful man is their life goal – they are simple. Where woman’s ambitions are concrete, some may even say mundane, man’s potential is infinite. This is not to say that men do not seek to reproduce, but rather that babies and hearth do not constitute success for a man in quite the way they do for a woman. A woman who achieves these goals actualises her femininity, her mission is complete, and so rarely will she aspire beyond it.

Men on the other hand do not find completion in family life, it is important to them, but it does not encompass the sum of their being. Men do not live for relationships, family and people in quite the way that women do. Whilst the social fabric is the beating heart of all that matters to women, it is but a puzzle piece in a grander picture for men. Being the architects and providers of humanity, man’s focus is expectedly different; the scope of his existence is wider, and thus the extent he must be willing to go, more extreme.

To play it safe as a woman brings success, but for a man it elicits nought but failure. A woman married with children is the apotheosis of feminine success, but a married man with children is not. Even should a man not marry nor reproduce, the need for a mission persists, for whilst woman is self-defined by her relationships, man defines himself by his achievements.

2.) Mission Before Woman:

Because woman’s sex drive is far weaker than man’s, on appearance it seems the pursuant man is needier. Being more lustful, he demonstrates greater interest – bestowing woman the power of choice through function of her lower libido. However, the female relies on man’s greater sex drive for every iota of power she has, the great bluff being that because she lusts less, she needs less. In reality, because she lusts less, she is able to extract what she really needs: a man’s protection, provision and emotional support.

A man should marry a craft before even thinking to marry a woman, she should be his second love, lest he ruin her with obsessive worship. For women the opposite is healthy, a woman undedicated to her man is an unworthy partner, and so should she emulate man in dedication to the abstract, she will assuredly make a poor lover and mother. Men are not women and women are not men, and this difference is reflected in all things. The man who worships his wife mimics the feminine, whilst the woman who worships commerce mimics the masculine.

A successful man is a man who makes something of himself, whereas a successful woman is a woman who manages to monopolise said man; and so it is from within this dynamic we see the differences between the male and female agenda. Because the female is more dependent, her preoccupation is with the male, whereas because the male is more independent, his preoccupation is with creation. Poetic then is it not, considering women create life, that men are the ones preoccupied with creation in life.

3.) Man Is Her Mission:

It is unhealthy for a man to live his life in dedication to a woman, for better and more stable dividends are reaped from creation and commerce. It is within the busyness of productivity a man acquires the distance necessary to be more craved by his woman, a boon rather than detriment to the relationship despite her protestations to the contrary.

A woman will always complain when a man has a mission greater than her, for it deprives her the flow of attention she requires to optimally function. Yet in the presence of an indentured man, she will complain of a lack of ambition, an absence of mission. A woman’s complaints bear little if any merit, for in much the way crying is the way of babies, complaining is the way of women. An unambitious man elicits complaint just as much as an ambitious one, for dissatisfaction is emphatic and characteristic of the feminine psyche.

Where man works the world, woman works man; there is not necessarily premeditation nor malice in this regard, but rather simply, it is woman’s nature to use man. A woman need not work the world when she can work a man, and so where woman is man’s desire, man is less commonly a desire than he is a tool.

Truly then, the assured commitment of a powerful man is woman’s greatest objective, for whether she engages in business or academia, nothing external serves as an adequate substitute. A woman who rejects this and plays the game of men past peak fecundity, is either an unsuccessful woman unable to accomplish her mission, or an outlier with masculine yearnings.

4.) Compromise & Womanly Worthiness:

Relationships with women require compromise, for women are extremely emotional and thus burdensome to contend with. Their nature is to be insecure, and so they are predisposed towards the theatrical and the petty. A man must as such be discriminant in discerning a woman’s worth, for few are worth the compromise they all demand.

Where a woman encumbers a man more than she supports him, she is redundant, an anchor on the ship rather than the caretaker that would maintain it. Naturally being a woman, she has needs, and her needs are many. But if said neediness is to manifest itself as a transgression of her man’s boundaries, as an imposition upon his sovereignty and need for solitude, then she is more hassle than she is worth.

Idealistically, man and woman live happily, making calculated compromises to ensure the union is not undermined by the desires of the individual – micro collectivism. By definition then, a relationship with a woman requires giving up a measure of freedom in order to assuage the demands of the feminine. It is my contention that due to the debilitation of a woman’s pressing emotional wants, a relationship almost always serves her, whilst for it is a riskier affair for man, for the likelihood he receives equal or greater benefit is improbable. A woman is oft a burden posing as a partner, and many a man is fooled as such, when in reality, she is almost always little more than a dependant.

The question that then naturally follows is “will she be enjoyable enough to be worth the burden she will impose?” sex can be and often is withdrawn without notice, and so a man cannot rely on either quality or quantity of sex as an indicator of womanly worth, and even were sex a certainty, such narrow scope in the evaluation of woman would lead to blunderous mate choice. Man must thus ask himself if the woman in question has a penchant for drama, and if she is interesting or merely fixated with relationships, social happenings and idle consumption. Generally speaking, the more substantive and less dramatic she is, the worthier and more enjoyable she is.

5.) In Closing / Relevant Reading:

Women pitch, men invest. A single woman is one who cannot secure investment, a single man is one who will not provide it. This alone should explain the disparity in anxiety between the single man and the single woman. A single man is anxious only should he be looking to prove his worth, for such a thing is the product of inexperience, the manifestation of the male ego eager to prove itself. It is a rite of passage for a young virgin man, a rite of passage that if unfulfilled, becomes the central focus that consumes him to a point of insanity.

And yet regardless of a woman’s level of experience, she will be deeply anxious if she finds herself single. Socially, having a boyfriend is imperative in woman’s world, for women who cannot get commitment are seen as lesser by their peers who can. Evolutionarily, women’s life mission is marriage and babies, thus if she is incapable of achieving either, “she’s not a real woman.”

The reason low-tier women who cannot secure commitment conceive children from one night stands, is that facilitated by the welfare state, a woman can part-actualise her femininity by having a child. To be a mother lends a woman status, it makes her “more of a woman”, and so it is only through this lens of self-centred feminine egotism that any remote sense can be made of women consciously deciding to raise a child without its father. This is but one example of the extremity a woman will go to in order to actualise an aspect of her femininity.

As a point of note, when “manning up” is used to manipulate men into committing themselves, it is no more than projection. Because the woman brings less to the relationship than the man, her commitment is objectively less qualitative, and thus among other factors, it is this quintessential value disparity that drives her eagerness and cements his reticence. The rule is as such: where woman believes greater benefit is derived from commitment than is not, she presses for it. Where she believes the benefit lesser, she does not. Whilst not strictly logical, woman is pragmatic. This is why a younger woman is typically more relationally adverse than an older woman – greater bargaining power. Whereas for man, his investment is near always significant irrespective of age and thus his reluctance remains consistent.

From a solipsistic frame of reference, she is not “a real woman” should she remain single and childless beyond her peak years, and so by her own standards, a man unaccomplished in this way is equally unactualised; such is the folly of women holding men to feminine metrics of achievement. It is as I said at the beginning, although hearth and home are human wants, they are more emphatically feminine wants than they are masculine.

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