20’s Men – The Quest for Power, The Decade of Empire

20's Men - The Quest for Power, The Decade of Empire

The pursuit of power is a fundamentally human drive which knows no exceptions, every single last human craves power, we are all in competition, all conniving, plotting, designing, participating in the competition of all competitions – survival via domination, life, the game of who gets the rights to pass on their genetic lineage and damn well enjoy themselves whilst they’re at it.

We all seek success, however, success comes at a cost – it comes at the cost of personal sacrifice, it requires self-discipline, it requires zest and motivation, it requires unrelenting selfishness, it requires a sharp effective mind but perhaps most sinister of all it requires you have no qualms in taking power from others, as an old lecturer once said to me, a red pill post-wall woman in her mid 30’s a little something I’ll never forgetNot everyone can be a winner in this life, if everyone was a winner then who would clean the streets?

There is a finite amount of power, power is relative; power is measured in comparison to everyone else’s. If everybody was equally smart or rich then the edge being smart or rich gives would be almost negligible, power is about balance and thus if you become more powerful by grabbing opportunity by the bull horns then that is an opportunity that someone somewhere else has been deprived of acquiring, lest they directly challenge your position.

Power is about being better than other people and the pursuit of power is fundamental to man, absolutely fundamental, if he ever wishes to respect himself or command respect from others, if he wants to be a leader, renowned, noteworthy or dare I say even legendary, he must possess power. Life for a man should be about the acquisition of power and then maintaining/defending said power once it has been acquired.

Some people say they don’t want power. They are lying, either just to you or both to you and themselves out of delusion. Everybody wants power. Even women, although they may like to be submissive in the presence of masculine power, they also like to influence that power, their power is indirect, their power is to control a man’s power and have him use his power to benefit her, “power by proxy theory” they do this by trading off on their youth and giving men sexual access to their bodies, which is why to the bitter dismay of feminists everywhere, female power decreases with age, women never truly attain their own power, they’re always using someone else’s – however I digress, that topic is for another article.

Unlike women who should be using their youth to lock down a suitable suitor in their early 20’s (preferably an accomplished successful man in his late 20’s or early to mid-30’s) a young man of the same age should be doing everything he can to improve his position in the social marketplace, not just to get laid but to utilise his own innate potential to evolve and become better than he is. To do the  stuff that your average insecure 20 year old male needs to do to make him respect himself, feel productive and set foot on the path to becoming a man.

Your entire 20’s as a man should be about actualisation, self-improvement, chasing the wind, enriching yourself, improving your skill sets, you are free from commitment and the debilitating burden of family life, you have no responsibilities, no ball and chain (wife/girlfriend), spin plates for sex but by dear god, do not have a serious girlfriend if you have serious considerations for power, if you are happy with the level you’re at then that’s good for you, your personal ambition is satiated, but this article is focused on those who want to be at the top, the mega ambitious, those who lust for the trappings of power.

Women being the liabilities that they are will bring nothing but expectation, drama and undue stress to your life that will do nothing but hamper, impede and hold back your efforts to improve yourself – why even set yourself up for the responsibility that is maintaining a relationship with a woman when you’re not even the man you want to be yet? That’s fine when you’re in your 30’s looking to start a family and already have a power base built up from the graft, sweat and experience of your virile 20’s, but firstly you need to build that power base so that your 30’s are enjoyable, not just another decade along the path of a meaningless life culminating in a worthless death. A simple life is a life unfulfilled.

How do you build power? Well I’ll start with the obvious and say that internalising red pill philosophy is very empowering, seeing things for what they are rather than what you want them to be is an incredible commodity in today’s society of indoctrinated unwashed masses.

There are fundamental cornerstones which grant a man his power and these are…

This is the most important element of a man’s personal power, not just with women but with people/existence full-stop. Game is interchangeable with “social skills.” Gaming and building attraction doesn’t just have to mean sexually but it applies all the same non-sexually too, think in terms of making people value you and accept you, this is the stuff that builds your social circles, allows you access into other social circles, allows you to network and gets you the job at the interview, it’s all about cultivating your personality and being real, not needing to act because you don’t like who you are but actually enriching who you are to be powerful and attractive.

Game is developed over the span of one’s life and never becomes obsolete or irrelevant, to further subdivide game up into interchangeable elements, it consists of:

Machiavellianism – knowing how to perceive and play a situation to come out victorious, knowing what’s real and what’s not, why people are doing what they’re doing, knowing when you’re being played either as a pawn or as a theatrical fool in someone else’s game – read more here.

Wit – this is what allows you to pass shit tests, essential if you ever want to get anywhere in life, everyone will shit test you when they first meet you so they can personally ascribe you value based on their impression of you, your speed of retort, the creativity of your communication and a successful delivery style are all elements of wit, this is the cornerstone of a strong frame and is needed for all common shit busting strategies eg: agree and amplify. If your wit sucks I suggest watching lots and lots of stand-up comedy. That link should serve as a starting point. You’re welcome.

Charm – this is simple narcissism, self-confidence, self-assuredness, this is what subtly (or not so subtly) demonstrates non-verbally that you are a high value person, it is the sense that you are inherently superior, it is better to be grounded in reality (because you work hard and are good at certain things) rather than be baseless, however the only delusion I’ll ever endorse for those fresh on the journey to self-improvement: fake it until you make it!

Humour – another cornerstone of a strong frame, humour is often at the expense of negativity, it produces positive energy from a negative source and communicates non-verbally that you are capable of staring at the face of failure/negativity without becoming unhinged by it. Humour shows who are the real tough motherfuckers and it’s the favourite tool for men to use when they’re shit testing other men, one way men form lasting platonic bonds with their fellow man is via humour. Those with sensibilities are weak, sheltered, and emotionally fragile to what merely are words without any real tangible bearing on the paradigm which is their life. If your humour has limits, eradicate them – humour is a cornerstone of power and influence and ties in closely to charm. Humour can be used a lot in conjunction with agree and amplify EG: “yeah I’m so annoying and effeminate people can’t decide whether to call me Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus” …. “Miley Cyrus has a way more manly haircut than Justin though, I hope hers is the nickname that sticks.

Good game will help you get money, you need money to build connections and get into the despot networks that hire and promote based on personal favouritism and back scratching. Meritocracy has its limits as fundamentally we’re all humans seeking power and a leader at any level of the hierarchy would rather have someone on their side that they like rather than someone who’s better educated but simply fucking annoying to work with or perceived as a threat (eg: that cliche excuse for rejection that you’re overqualified for a job.) You can contest this thought and get into notions of meritocracy and blah blah as you sit their stone broke until pay day with no nest egg reading this article, but when you see that idiotic vapid dickhead drinking from champagne showers embracing an oversized bottle of Moet between his legs as if he’s subconsciously displaying a phallic symbol for all to admire “I’ve got a big dick girls, really!” then maybe your idealisations of meritocracy will shatter somewhat and you’ll come join us here in reality.

Money requires more externally than game, game is all about your cognitive wiring, money relies on that but it also requires an external skill which others can directly benefit from. It requires something the economy will pay for because it needs it. If you’re going to university then choose your degree wisely. If it doesn’t pay or even have an at least 50% chance of paying then don’t bother doing it. Sure I like philosophy as much as the next guy and psychology is kind of cool too but if you don’t want to be working in a grocery store for the rest of your life and want to be a competitor not a survivor then you better fucking well study something that pays right or not bother at all. If you’re doing a degree in creative writing you may as well just save up the loan money, live frugally and default on the loan (if that’s possible in your country) because I can write pretty creatively and I don’t have a degree in that shit, neither do many other writers.

Your economic skill doesn’t have to be academic, if STEM isn’t for you and you’re too much of a bitch to get your hands dirty by building, plumbing, being an electrician or basically becoming one of civilizations builders and maintainers of our mortar then you could always learn to cook. Quite literally anybody can look to cook, it’s hard work and long hours but the opportunities are numerous, people always need to eat it’s not an industry that’s going anywhere, and it’s an art form, if you get really passionate about it and put in the man hours you can go far, open a restaurant one day, write a cookbook – only you limit yourself, your mind, your vision, your beliefs – don’t give up your power by not bothering. Have a focus on a discipline of some sort that makes money and stick with it, otherwise you’ll be saying “Do you want fries with that?” or “Can I pour you another?” like the little economic bitch boy that you’ve allowed yourself to become.

Insults designed to motivate aside, game leads to money and money leads to better game which leads to more and more money creating a positive feedback cycle. Poverty is oppressive, it is the opposite of what I just described a negative feedback cycle, it’s what keeps you from ascertaining greatness, poverty is socially accepted slavery – as in you work for a pay cheque that doesn’t liberate you from your condition of drudgery because it demands a high time investment in return for a low financial return. Most people in poverty for much of their life accept their position and die miserable, trying to anesthetise themselves with porn, cheap games and alcohol because they’ve’ given up on themselves – don’t be that guy, be a competitor.

More money means more opportunity, more opportunity means more growth. Money is the single most powerful non-sentient object in existence; it is a decimalised measurement of objective power which each and every life needs to continue to exist. Get money, lots and lots of fucking money. Philosophically it means little, as a measurement of power it means everything. For those who have none it is everything, for those who have plenty it is nothing (because they’re already enjoying the lifestyle, have excess and thus perceive and spend less personally, again, another topic – I’m a serial digresser)

This is way more important for a woman than it is a man but don’t think because you’re a man your looks are irrelevant, beauty privilege is a real thing, good looking people get perks ugly people don’t. Sure you can get one night lays and be an ugly motherfucker in the right situations but we’re talking about power here, not simply getting laid on one random night where logistics are right and you demonstrate high enough value in other areas.

Why neglect one cornerstone of power when you can be even more powerful by giving this area its due attention? It goes without saying, go down the gym, not only does it increase your strength physically but it improves how you look. It gives you a body you feel you can look at and respect. It increases your testosterone and your drive, mentally invigorating you as you get stronger and stronger.

Maintain your hair, facial and head hair, a badly groomed man makes an ugly man. Dress well, a poorly dressed man communicates low status in the sense that he is either poor, stupid or both – people judge us very much so on our superficialities so be sure to overcome everything you have control over. If you’re a midget, your cocks small or you have some chronic non-treatable condition or deformity then you’re going have to deal with it, that’s life, compensate in other ways, these things will stop you from achieving a perfectionist ideal of power because their drawbacks are significant, however, they will not stop you from being powerful if you’ve got your mind right so don’t use that shit as an excuse to cop out and give up. If you give up on yourself then enjoy being powerless because nobody else gives a fuck.

Practical skill sets:
While you’re young you learn at your quickest, the older you get the harder it is to learn and the slower you learn specifically useful skills (EG: foreign languages) so get it out of the way right now, A.S.A.P, treat your learning like a woman’s biological clock running out of eggs, get it done and get it done whilst the conditions are at their best, it’s never too late but why make life any harder than it needs to be?

Examples of skill sets which boost your social market value significantly are:

– Having an understanding of any discipline – e.g.: cooking, building, plumbing, DIY, car mechanics, etc.

– Dancing, basically it’s a human mating call – choose a style that suits your personality.

– Speaking multiple languages – shows intelligence, sophistication and opens up social circles which would otherwise be closed to you due to language barrier, e.g. “my Spanish crew” “my Arab boys” etc. Contrary to popular ignorant Anglo sphere belief there’s a lot of likeable people who could enrich your life that don’t know English and of course an entire ocean of pussy.

– The application and demonstration of physical strength – martial arts, although it is a physical discipline it is psychologically different from the other disciplines listed, knowing how to kick the shit out of people does a lot for a man’s sense of confidence and thus his attractiveness to everyone around him, you can protect you and yours, anybody who messes with you or your friends will face a force to be reckoned with. If there’s ever a zombie apocalypse you can go down snapping some heads off, there’s no reason to neglect this it’s something every man can work on and acquire.

It goes without saying that all these goals are easier to accomplish without a serious long-term girlfriend monopolising your precious neurons with her phatic unimportant babble and irrational emotionally cacophonous small-minded concerns.

You’re looking at the bigger picture, your average 20’s girl is thinking about getting dicked by an alpha, what she should wear, why did she feel that way earlier and how will she feel if she does “such and such”, what do her friends think of her? Blah-de-fucking-blah. Fuck that noise, spin them as plates but don’t give away significant commitment until you hit your 30’s, that way you can clean up on the hot young twenty somethings and have your pick of the litter because your SMV will be sky high.

It’s tough to be a man, you have to work for it, you don’t bust out into the world with a low cut top at 18 being the object of desire for 50% of the population, it takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears as well as years upon years of both economic and personal graft. This is why your twenties isn’t “your time to have fun because you’re young” but it’s your time to “build your life and become the man that you want to be”, if you’re not going to do it now when you’re at your most malleable and most energetic, when the fuck are you going to do it? In your 30’s? Your 40’s? Forever a teenager condemned to playing Xbox and masturbating to porn streams? You can do that, plenty do and what they get to enjoy is a limited existence, you’ll never get powerful being that guy although you may find joy in the acceptance of your comfortable monotony, your rut.

To sum up, it goes without saying: Use your 20’s to become the man you want to be, to acquire power of all and any kind, in your 30’s enjoy the power you’ve accrued and enjoy being the man you’ve built, supplementing and maintaining what you have built so that you can enjoy it way into your 40’s. The quest for power is never truly over, but a 20’s man has a long way to go before he becomes powerful enough to be in the top 5% (aim high fuckers!)

Your elders, especially the accomplished ones, may fear you out of self-preservation but play your cards right and they will mentor you with experience and resources, seeing a younger version of them, within you. Godspeed my brothers!

You can support IM's work by purchasing his audiobook or subscribing on Patreon

22 thoughts on “20’s Men – The Quest for Power, The Decade of Empire

  1. I feel like one thing you are missing in this list is cultivating status as a specific subtopic. Money an aesthetics are close, but slightly different from status. This can mean befriending the right people, putting yourself into the right positions with the right opportunities, SUBTLY flaunting any existing status you have (career, knowing the right people) (but this is difficult because it needs to NOT come across as arrogant; a fine line). But I see status as a huge increase in power, if you garner it the right way, and use (display?) it the right way.

      1. We may have a difference of opinion here. I think it is a positive feedback loop in which more power leads to more social status which in turn leads to more power.

        But I think a case can be made for cultivating status for power. Not sure what else to say since we’ve each presented our opinions, and I don’t have additional facts to back up my claim except for anecdotal evidence of making an effort to garner status.

        1. I believe you garner high social status when you already have power.
          People will knock at your door just for being seen with you.

          But it can also be argued that being at right place at right time to gain power is also highly important. It cuts the chase significantly.

          Social status is an impediment to power. When IM says in the closing lines that elders may fear you out of fear. This can be serious impediment if cards are not played well.

          But I must ask, can men in their 20s analyse power objectively and know what it actually means? They are not exposed to the world enough and can this cause an illusion of power? Power is exercised in subtleties. A fine line to traverse.

  2. I’m in my early 20s and I took a sabbatical to get my shit together.(hobbies, business, game).
    I live far from the city where everything is and lose a lot of time commuting. (as one of many examples, I’m currently debating blocking off 3 hrs a week for a 1hr BJJ class.) Is it worth it to take the leap and move out, even though money will be a struggle?

  3. Great post. You think having a serious gf in your 20’s is a burden? 28 and mine is 27, I keep her in check. I think it’s an asset. Not trying to pick a fight or anything. Mine handles all the petty shit ( laundry, cooking, cleaning, shopping) while I do stuff that matters (studying the market, focusing on my internet business, getting in peak shape.) She doesn’t give me unnecessary shit or stress and by the time I’m 40 I should be a millionaire.

    Your thoughts?

  4. I fucking love this website. You write with a peculiar clarity and I enjoy your “no bullshit” perspective.

    I just turned 28 myself and recently left a long term relationship of 3 years. This article makes me regret how much time I’ve wasted in my early 20’s chasing ass, wasting money (and brain cells) in bars and befriending low-value people.

    Luckily I’ve always been into bettering myself as a man; just not as much as I could have been in my earlier years. Better fucking believe I’m making these last two years of my 20’s the best of all.

    This post is a breath of fresh air. I will be reading the ever-loving shit out of this site. Thank you.

    Best Regards,

  5. “This is why your twenties isn’t “your time to have fun because you’re young” but it’s your time to

    “build your life and become the man that you want to be”

    Started my journey at 22 back in 2012 and I’m 2 years into this rabbit hole that’s pretty fuckin deep. Thanks to men as yourself the Veil Of Deceit has been removed. I wouldn’t have it any other way though! This gave me massive perspective on how I should be painting the canvas of my life, in such a way that I am in that top 5%.

    I am not suprised I found this blog, which has been complete enlightenment so far, because of the mindset I’ve conscioulsy cultivated since ttaking the red pill. It all makes too much sense, and yah:

    “The truth shall set you free”

  6. I’m in my 40’s wish I had found this into in my 20’s. That said you young bucks reading this info new should lap it ball up. This is pure life changing/saving info. Preach Brotha, Preach on!

  7. i’ve seen older men master new disciplines and learn faster than us young punks. they can do it because they been master learners their whole lives

  8. Saw this post on another site….wow!!

    Please do an article on why most companies that succeed are built by men in their 50s. The decade where some men go one of three directions:

    Fat lazy slob, beaten men. Still pussy addicted. Their outlet porn and fap as well as endless dating site trolling. Women game them for resources. (Drinks, Surf and turf dinners)
    Divorced, and trying to repeat their player 20s. A bit of a combo of 1 and 2.
    MGTOW SOVEREIGN MEN: Hard core men on a mission of health, fitness and empire creation. Leveraging their decades of corporate enslavement. These my mgtow mentor called the “Uncunted.”

    They look at women in their age bracket and below as gross and not worrhy of their time. They hit the “lab” and spend endless hours creating.


    The other two types of men are either in their mom’s basement or garage jerking off or at the bar. Why women cannot find a good man. Look what they find. LABS are female free zones. Yet glimpses of your work had wonen lining up for sperm shots. Ah…hypergamy. This is Enterprise hypergamy bait. Even if you fail, you still get hypergamy greed tail.

    Men are waking up and deciding that the 50s and beyond are THEIR years and time and focus are now GOLD.

    With women giving away pussy, these new
    ILLIMITABLE MEN see their bodies and lives as the new temples of sovereignty. Women are then seen in old biblical terms. Something harmful to their wellbeing. Cock carousel herpes anyone…the heat itch that is for life. And you just wanted a few moments of pleasure. Women are now diseased. See old biblical wisdom on these women.

    I do think after porn burnout, men go no fap and ascend into their Self Governed years. Hopefully the state sponsored divorce raping was not too bad.

    Then they either revert to pussy chasing with the new sports car or go frugal and keep their eye on the empire ball.

    Anyway you slice it…pussy was the limiting factor in all men’s lives. In his 50s, henow sees the slave ball and chain clearly. A nice resume frees him financially.

    Some spent hundreds of divorce $k to “get rid of her.”

    Now in his 50s, men see women as a negative aspect of life to avoid at all costs.

    Ironic, what they desire, they now loathe with great distain. Some hate ( Red pill ) others find peace. Like water is wet and women are what they are. From Adam’s rib, woman made for him for his time on Earth. God’s practical joke on men.

    They see sexuality was weilded as a weapon used against them. How a first alimony check writing wakes a man up to the true nature of women. Women are State backed….dangerous. Any marry mantoday is a fool. This caliber of MGTOW info did not exist in my day. SO WAKE THE FUCK UP BROS.

    Along comes the real “Patriarchy”, FatherTime and he ass fucks these women for life…and the free slaves now gloat about it. Like sex slaves watching the feminist plantation house burn…and it is a gloriously warm fire the newly rebuilt God-Like man gets to watch the rest of life. It never gets old. No hate, just justice on smug women, their only sexuality weapon now taken for good.

    Mgtow Marshmallows anyone?

    Hate? No…justice.

    All the women have left is the state to affirmative action them up the corporate ladder. Yet there, they face this real wall of Illimitable men and feminism cries “Patriarchy.”

    Along comes global MGTOW and men now ghost.
    They watched decades of men “dealt with” by SJW “Taking scalps.” (FIRED) So to fight feminism the man now sees his own self created enterprise as his own. There is no room for women in his life. He remains silent on feminism in the workplace. Excels. He is the new “Ninja” and is too savvy to be baited and hooked by corporate feminists. They do that.

    Further, the life changes he made has made him what women desire. This we call the “Mgtow Effect.”

    That is further salt in the “Wallers” wounds from the “Patriarchy.” They are all barrel shapped women. No man, credit card hell, box wine and cats in their apartment prisons. Suckers to ceiling fans, tile and oak work. New paint and carpet is like crack. Rent to women and cash in….you are welcome. Thanks feminism $$$$$$.

    If the man does fuck…he might string along the successful corporate shoulder pad feminist warriors for sex. No pump and dump…but years of being a perfect gentleman, but no ring. His “Altar Boy” perfect behavior confused the shit out of them. They know they have few options at that age. Time on the dating sites rendered up men if #1 and #2
    mentioned above. At that age, her time and emotions are seen as an “investment.” Men are timeless beings…we age like wine. Wimen like sour milk.

    Sorry ladies, you will never win.

    Biology is on our side. The man’s seasoned years makes him into a “George Clooney.” With so many hypergamous women all waiting for “The ONE”, the man with “Irons in the fire” has pussy on tap.

    50s gentleman….be ready for the fun years…
    Your kids are now adults, the fat lazy wife divirced. You promoted up to handle the alimoney opportunity costs to remove the Land Whale, Jabba the Gut from your life. Keep the house, paint and NEVER let a woman move in. Stray cats gentleman. Stray fucking cats.

    And life is good.

    If your life sucks…read, cash only, zero TV, Profession or trademan up. Diet, exercise, cut losers loose. Work out. FIGHT CLUB FIT. Game on.
    Monk like focus. One day at a time. One meal at a time, one page at a time, one pushup at a time.

    Regain your sovereignty.
    No white knight…welcome to equality ladies. “WOMAN UP.”

    You have until 75 of this fun new life.

    Then retire to the country and tend your gardens.

    Beyond 50, life is a fucking Godlike adventure.



    See poem on youtube.


    Final note… do not look back. There is nothing there for you. Just stale ghosts. Turn off the feminist controled TV, the brainwashing device of Mangina Capos.

    Mgtow…welcome to MGTOW ROAD.

    Do not linger too long in red pill rage.
    Learn, build and adventure.

    From mgtow.com, a guy who called himself “Stealthy”. Left the site.

    All his posts were wiped. He must have bern doxed. I kept some of his best posts.

    I had email with him.

    He has a company that builds companies, a garage of sports cars a 50 foot Scarrab off shore and houses around the world. After his divorce he unloaded all his rental property and lives the life.
    He only fucks 8 or 9s.

    He sent me a picture if his data command center. Walls of monitors. Looked lije NASA. Wow. We had a chat about the cloud. The dude runs metabases. Code that writes code that writes code. Long emails we had for a week. The dude sent me a case of Benedictine for Christmas.

    What MGTOW can do for a man of focus.

  9. Another great article – and similar to some of the teachings on Wall Street Playboys. I love how your stuff mixes together very well. I felt like you got more excited as you typed this and could feel the energy – great advice for any young man that has the discipline to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

  10. I feel very lucky when i read that post in my 20-year-old.

    Thank you so much for inspiring me and many people in my age to go and be a better person

  11. Information in this article is pretty clever, but it would be extremely funny to watch most of these “Misters Wall Street” from the comment section committing suicides during their future midlife crisis, because sooner or later they will realise that they spent 80% of their youth on skills/career/status/etc they never really wanted/needed deep inside, because somebody on the internet wrote that that’s how they should act.

    I do not criticise the article/website/blog, author is good at doing his subtle job, but looks like most men here take it soooooo seriously, that it turns for them into a freaking bodybuilder-red-pill cult, not a blog with useful advices.

    Like, come on, really? “Mr. X, do you think I should fuck a girl before I am 30 or should I build a cool career first that nobody will care about?”.


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